
yì jià
  • bargaining;negotiated price;negotiate a price;dicker;negotiated buying price
议价 [yì jià]
  • [negotiate a price] 讲价钱

  • [negotiated price] 决定的价格

议价[yì jià]
  1. 本文对这一办法进行了可行性分析,并列出超产气议价的幅度的计算方法,供决策参考。

    The article also makes a feasibility study for this method and provides a calculation method for negotiated price range of the incremental gas , giving a reference to policy decision .

  2. 领导供应商预选,筛选,议价及合同的订立

    Lead supplier pre-selection , selection , price negotiation , contract finalization .

  3. 我的议价策略也已经出现了一些结果

    My bargaining stratagems are starting to show some promise .

  4. 目前,关于多Agent技术的研究所提出的不同协商方法大都与议价有关。

    Researches in multi-agent technology exposes different negotiation methods of negotiation related to price bargaining .

  5. 该算法首先根据有限的信息基于纳什议价解进行粗分配(CA);

    The first process-coarse allocation ( CA ) is based on Nash bargaining solution according to the limited information ;

  6. 出于上述理由,运营商一直支持android,以求重新获得与苹果的议价能力。

    For that reason , operators have been supporting Android to regain bargaining power with apple .

  7. 请MM们不要议价了,已经很便宜了,能扣我一定口给MM们的。

    Please no bargain , because the stock are sold in low price , if possible I will give discount to MM .

  8. 本文介绍了连续双边谈判模型中Agent所使用的议价策略,该策略使用启发式规则和模糊推理机制适应了交易信息的不完整性和交易环境的不确定性。

    This paper proposes a bidding strategy for Agent in continuous double auction . The strategy uses fuzzy rules and fuzzy reasoning to cope with incompleteness of information and uncertainty of trading environment .

  9. 按照Nash的讨价还价解,议价者的最终收益应该可以反映其实力差异。

    According to the Nash bargaining solution ( Nash 1950 ), bargainers ' final payoffs should reflect power differences .

  10. 在改进的议价模型中,本文对Agent如何提取对手偏好特征以及对特征如何描述进行了详细地论述,并且采用BP神经网络作为分类器,对提取出的特征进行分类、识别。

    In MLDBS , we analyze the situation in detail that how does agent extract characteristics from its opponents , and a BP neural network is used as classifier to identify the opponents .

  11. 提升盈利能力的关键在于能够了解CDM市场规则和动态,争取议价话语权。

    The key to enhance the profitability is to be able to understand the rules and dynamics of the CDM market , strive for a bargain right to speak .

  12. 目前,中国电信企业面临的外部环境也发生了巨大的变化:消费者议价能力增强、入世后国外企业的进入、3G技术的到来等等。

    At present , the great changes have taken place in the outside environment . The consumers have more abilities of requests of the price . After WTO entry , foreign telecommunication operators will compete with civil operators.3G technology is coming .

  13. 而ODM企业也可以通过扩大生产规模,降低产品成本,加强议价能力;通过新产品的研发,提高研发和生产工艺能力。

    ODM also could reduce product cost and strengthen the bargaining power by using extend the production scale , and improve the ability of development and production technology by designing new product .

  14. 这又是一个大错,这样一来,Netflix所提供服务的独特性会受到削减,它的议价能力也将进一步削弱&因为这样便于订户比对同类服务的优劣。

    Big mistake , again , as it erodes further the uniqueness of its offerings , undermining further its pricing power , as it makes easier for subscribers to compare competing offerings for each service .

  15. 其次在耐隆纤维、加工丝产品方面,因为生产厂商较多元化且分散,在供应商的角色时,对于议价能力方面,较无法像CPL的供应商角色一样强势。

    Secondly , Nylon fiber , silk processing products , as manufacturers more diversified scattered in the supplier role , For their bargaining power over suppliers like the role of a strong CPL.

  16. 本文针对已有议价模型缺乏学习机制的不足之处,提出了改进的基于机器学习的动态议价模型(MLDBS)。

    An amendatory dynamic bargaining system based on machine learning is presented in this dissertation .

  17. 为了降低系统流量传输消耗,利用纳什议价博弈方法分析用户和ISP之间、ISP和其他ISP之间利益关系。

    In order to reduce the flow transmission consumption of the system , this strategy not only considers the benefit relationship among the ISPs but also the relationship between the ISP and users by using Nash bargaining game of Nash equilibrium .

  18. 最后针对目标纳什议价功率控制博弈模型,分析并找出了具有帕累托最优的RKS议价解。

    Finally , focusing on target Nash bargaining power control game model , we analyze and identify the bargaining solution with Pareto optimal RKS .

  19. Lextalionis是拉丁文,意为因果应报。该项实验是这样进行的:哥伦比亚商学院和西北大学凯洛格商学院的研究人员从志愿者中随机抽取48人,让其参加两轮议价。

    Lex talionis is Latin for retributive justice , and here 's how the experiment went down : Researchers from Columbia Business School and the Kellogg School at Northwestern put 48 randomly selected volunteers through two rounds of negotiations .

  20. 网上集体议价成交量的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Sales by Group Buying in the Online

  21. 第四个可以用来议价的筹码是改变交货地点。

    A fourth bargaining chip is altering the point of delivery .

  22. 月租300元,不议价,有意者面谈

    Rent is300 yuan , not bargaining , have intention to interview

  23. 国际商务谈判的博弈论议价模型分析

    Analyzing the Bargain Model of Game Theory in International Commercial Negotiation

  24. 拿时间来当议价筹码是个不错的做法。

    Making it into a bargaining chip is a good idea .

  25. 雇员组成的与雇主议价的组织。

    An organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer .

  26. 基于混合报价策略的自动议价系统设计

    A Design for Automated Bargaining System Based on Mixed Offering Tactics

  27. 动态定价:基于网上交易的群体议价折扣(英文)

    Dynamic pricing : group buying discounts based on the internet business ;

  28. 基于加同态公钥密码体制的两方安全议价协议

    A secure two-party bargaining protocol based on additive homomorphic public key cryptosystem

  29. 中国的体制没有为集体议价提供法律基础。

    The system does not provide a legal base for collective bargaining .

  30. 基于消费者行为的网上集体议价商务模式分析

    The Analysis of Online Group-buying Business Model based on Consumer Behavior theory