
  • 网络liner freight;Liner Freight Rate
  1. 虽然中间会有低谷,但是,后金融危机时代集装箱班轮运价总体上是呈上升趋势的。

    Although there will be the lowlands , but among after the financial crisis , container liner freight rate era in general are rising .

  2. 集装箱班轮运输市场作为国际贸易的一个派生市场,其受国际贸易的影响严重,集装箱班轮运价也会随之波动。

    Container liner shipping market is a small market of international trade , so it was influence by the market of international trade seriously . The main manifestation is that the container liner freight rate will fluctuates with the international trade increase or decrease .

  3. 本文首先分析班轮运价系统中存在的矛盾与问题。

    Firstly , this research analyzed the conflicts and problems of the system .

  4. 因此,通过研究影响中欧贸易航线集装箱班轮运价的因素,进而掌握运价的波动规律,将有利于集装箱运输业的健康发展和我国的对外贸易。

    Therefore , by studying the impact of factors of container freight on China-EU trade routes , we can grasp the changes of tariff .

  5. 中国国际集装箱班轮运输市场运价趋势分析

    Trend analysis of shipping price in China 's international container liner transport market

  6. 交通部加强对班轮公会和运价协议组织进行监管

    MOC enhances control and management of liner associations and freight agreement organizations

  7. 班轮公司集体订立运价协议不得对公平竞争和国际海运市场秩序造成损害;

    The collective agreements of the liners shall not be detrimental to the fair competition and disturb the order of international shipping market .

  8. 作为国际贸易的派生市场,集装箱班轮运输市场受世界经济的影响十分严重,后金融危机时期的集装箱班轮运输市场运价备受关注。

    As a derivative market of the international trade , the container liner shipping market is subject to a very serious impact of the world economy , and its freight is also a concern during the post financial crisis era .