
bān fáng
  • jail;can;clink;gaol;prison warel
班房 [bān fáng]
  • [jail;gaol;prison warel] 监狱或拘留所的俗称。本指衙门中衙役值班的地方,也指衙役

  • 坐班房

班房[bān fáng]
  1. 你知道吗,他的一个儿子在蹲班房呢?

    Do you know that his son now is in the jail ?

  2. 我以前一直说他终归要进班房。

    I always said he would wind up in prison .

  3. 他的一个同事知道了他坐过班房,就向他敲竹杠。

    A co-worker of his found out about his prison record and began to put the bite on him .

  4. thenick一词是俚语,意为‘班房’。

    ` The nick ' is a slang term for ` prison ' .

  5. 顺带一说格雷琴也蹲在班房里哦。

    Did I mention that Gretchen is also in the slammer ?

  6. 我是问你为什么会坐班房的?

    I said , what did you get sent down for .

  7. 在警察局的班房里关上几个小时会使他平静下来。

    A few hours in a police cell should cool him off .

  8. 我听说你刚从班房出来。

    I hear you just got out of the stockade .

  9. 工友定期用稀释漂水清洁班房及校舍,进行消毒;

    Clean classrooms and school campus with diluted household bleach regularly after school ;

  10. 你能做的全部事就是不要进班房。

    It 's all you can do to keep out of the stockade .

  11. 她在班房里蹲了一年。

    She spent a year in the nick .

  12. 就是把像你这样的人送进班房。

    To keeping people like you behind bars .

  13. 如果你不听我的劝告,最后总要落得坐班房的下场。

    If you don 't take my advice , you will end up behind bars .

  14. 蹲了一晚上班房之后,我明白我得老老实实的做人才是。

    After a night in the junk tank , I knew I had to jump smooth .

  15. 你是打算将来还要回美国去呢,还是情愿留在这儿蹲班房?

    Do you want to go back to the States or do you want to rot over here in a prison camp ?

  16. 以衙役运作班房为观察视角,清代法律实践与法律表达之间呈现出颇为复杂而有趣的关联。

    Regarding the government runner operating the Banfang as a visual angle , there are complicated but interesting relations taken on between the law expression and the practice .

  17. 近年来,很多上榜《福布斯》的中国富豪进了班房,其他的,王认为,不得不疑惑他们会不会就是下一个。

    Numerous members of Forbes'China rich list have been jailed over the years , and the rest , Wang believes , have to wonder if they 're next .