
jiè zhuāng
  • boundary stone;boundary marker;boundary post;boundary pillar;boundary marker(stone,tablet)
界桩 [jiè zhuāng]
  • [boundary marker(stone,tablet)] 作为地界标志的桩子

界桩[jiè zhuāng]
  1. 战车赛的赛程约九英里,绕过两个界桩跑二十三圈。

    The chariots raced for about nine miles & 23 turns around two posts .

  2. 用界桩标出属于自己的采矿地段。

    To peg out a mining claim .

  3. 破坏界桩、界碑罪是刑法典中的一个重要罪名。

    The boundary tablets and boundary makers sabotage crimes are very felon charges in the criminal code .

  4. 对损坏的界桩,由分工管理该界桩的一方在毗邻方在场的情况下修复。

    The damaged boundary stakes shall be repaired by the party who administers them in the presence of the adjacent party .

  5. 路透社报道,周二中俄双方举行了国界东段界桩揭幕仪式,双方称中俄为解决全球领土争端树立了榜样。

    China and Russia Tuesday unveiled boundary markers delineating the eastern section of their border , hailing the agreement as an example in solving global territorial disputes , Reuters reported .

  6. 在对中国热带农业科学院椰子研究所土地利用现状调查分析的基础上,指出当前土地管理工作中存在土地被占用和土地界桩丢失等问题。

    Based on the investigation and analysis of the land use status of Coconut Research Institute , problems in current land management such as land occupied and land boundary markers loss were pointed out .

  7. 第三百二十三条故意破坏国家边境的界碑、界桩或者永久性测量标志的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。

    Article 323 Whoever intentionally damages the boundary tablets , boundary markers or permanent survey indicators along the national border shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention .

  8. 三峡库区地形地貌复杂,交通运输十分困难,施工环境差,界桩测量精度要求高,测量设备的先进性和测设人员经验、素质十分重要;

    Because of complicated topography and geomorphy , difficult communication and transportation , bad construction environment in the Three Gorges reservoir and higher requirement for survey accuracy , advanced surveying instruments and experienced qualified surveying and embedding personnel are important ;