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  • interface element
  1. 这样,control会定义更小的用户界面元素,像按钮、标签和表格等等。

    Thus , a control defines a smaller user interface element , such as a button , label or tab set .

  2. 模型将GUI分为窗口框架层、界面元素层、功能结构层和运行记录层四层。

    The model divided GUI into four-layers : windows framework layer , interface element layer , functional structure layer and running record layer .

  3. 用户界面元素(UserInterfaceElements)&这些角色适用于图形用户界面。

    User Interface Elements & Roles used for graphical user interfaces .

  4. 基于Director的英语课件界面元素对象化的设计和实现

    On the Director-based , Object-oriented Design of Interface Elements in English Courseware and its Realization

  5. 它们由InterfaceBuilder用来将界面元素连接到这个控制器类。

    These are used by the Interface Builder to hook up the interface elements to this controller class .

  6. 您可以使用MobileData视图来选择用户界面元素,添加一些验证点,并使用简化的脚本创建或修改测试中的步骤。

    You can use the Mobile Data view to select user interface elements and add some verification points , and to create or modify steps in the test with simplified scripts .

  7. Eclipse用户界面元素

    Eclipse user interface elements

  8. 例如,考虑一个小型Java应用程序,它显示一些用于修改配置的简单用户界面元素,并且它有一个内存漏洞。

    Take , for example , a small Java application that displays some simple user interface elements for configuration modifications and that has a memory leak .

  9. 基于ActiveX控件技术的组态软件图形界面元素的设计

    Design of Basic Elements of Graphic User Interface of Configuration Software Based on ActiveX Controls Technology

  10. 好的GUI必须调整很多界面元素并将它们的行为结合起来形成一个能直观工作的整体行为。

    Good GUIs have to coordinate many interface elements and combine their behaviors into an overall behavior that works intuitively .

  11. 最强大的ExtJS用户界面元素可能是网格控件。

    Perhaps one of the most powerful Ext JS UI elements is the grid control .

  12. 在此基础上,借助金相显微镜、SEM和EDX能谱分析,对接头组织及界面元素分布规律进行了分析。

    Moreover , optical microscope , SEM and EDX were used to analyze the microstructures and elements distribution at the interface .

  13. ExtJS框架的主体是大量用户界面元素。

    The heart of the Ext JS framework is the multitude of rich UI elements provided .

  14. 采用透射电镜、俄歇能谱及X射线衍射等手段,研究了稀土在硬质合金中的分布形态及存在方式、合金界面元素分布情况及粘结相中溶质原子的浓度变化。

    Transmission microscope and X_ray diffraction methods were used to study the distribution and existence of RE on cemented carbide , the concentration 's change in solute atoms of bonded phase .

  15. 流行的DVD租赁服务Netflix提供了一个关于这些界面元素的出色示例。

    Netflix , the popular DVD rental service , provides a compelling example of these interface elements in action .

  16. 不同温度下胶粘剂粘接接头表界面元素变化行为的EDX分析

    Analysis of elements content on adhesive joint surface and interface with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy

  17. ExtJS提供大量用户界面元素,这是开发富因特网应用程序(RIA)所必需的。

    Ext JS provides numerous UI elements that are essential to developing rich Internet applications ( RIAs ) .

  18. 它添加大量移动优化的用户界面元素,使您可以轻松地将简单的CSS样式应用于HTML,并获取较为成熟的结果。

    It adds a lot of mobile-optimized user interface elements that allow you to easily apply simple CSS styles to HTML and get sophisticated results .

  19. HTML5中的许多新用户界面元素由CSS标准的最新版CSS3.0提供。

    Many of the new user interface elements in HTML 5 are provided by the latest revision of the CSS standard , CSS 3.0 .

  20. 然而,jQTouch提供更移动友好的用户界面元素,因为它有一个更好的UI。

    However , jQTouch offers more mobile-friendly user interface elements , so it will have a better UI in turn .

  21. 在图1、2和3中可见的UI是一个画布容器,它们包含3个用户界面元素:表和两个菜单按钮。

    The UI visible in Figures 1 , 2 , and 3 is a canvas container that holds three user interface components : the table and two menu buttons .

  22. 很多人也使用PowerPoint和其内置的标准界面元素来创建网页形式的原型。

    Many also use an old standby , PowerPoint , applying the standard built in shapes to create something that resembles a web page .

  23. 使用标准的Aqua界面元素可以确保程序用户接口的统一从而获得用户接口一致性带来的跨程序的好处。

    Use the standard elements of the Aqua interface to ensure consistency within your application and to benefit from consistency across applications .

  24. 为了满足此需求,必须有一些用户界面元素,比如一个文本框、Save按钮以及保存信息的方法,这需要使用某种数据库。

    To fulfill this requirement , you must have some UI elements , such as a text box , a Save button , and a way to save the information for retrieval later , which implies some type of database .

  25. 在客户端,这个场景使用基于浏览器的控件,这些控件是通过单页面XHTML用户界面元素以及XHR和JSON启用的。

    In the client tier , this scenario uses browser-based controls enabled through single-page XHTML user interface elements along with XHR and JSON .

  26. 代码生成器还为XAML项目的可见部分生成一个示例,其中定义了所有用户界面元素。

    The code generator also generates a sample for the visual part of XAML project defining all UI elements .

  27. 用鼠标解决困难Drupal站点中的大多数界面元素从块到菜单都能重新配置、启用和禁用。

    Heavy-lifting mouse Most of the interface elements in a Drupal site from blocks to menus can be repositioned , enabled , and disabled .

  28. 这些界面元素可以简化界面原型的创建,并且可以与PowerPoint内置的原型一起无缝使用。

    The interface elements are designed to simplify the creation of mockups , and they can be mixed with , and manipulated like , the built in PowerPoint shapes .

  29. 本文简略介绍它的内容,并引入界面元素用以描述异步进程,以著名的Kung算法等为例说明如何使用它。

    Interface elements used to describe asynchronization processes are also introduced . The famous Kung algorithm is employed as an example to illustrate how to make use of this scheme .

  30. 利用光学显微镜和电子探针(EPMA)分析了焊接接头的微观组织及界面元素的分布,初步探讨了TIG熔焊焊接的工艺特性。

    Microstructure of welded joints and element distributions in the interface between the weld metal and the base metal were analyzed by optical microscope and electron probe microanalyzer ( EPMA ) .