
  • 网络3D Tracking
  1. 本文对现有微细结构测试系统和微细结构分析软件存在的不足进行了总结分析,并在此基础上,开展了全自动三维跟踪光学测试系统的研制和调试工作。

    Abstract : Based on summarization and analysis on the lack of microstructures test system and analyse software , the text developed the development and debugging of Autometic 3D Tracking Optic Test System ( ATOTS ) .

  2. 利用二坐标R站实现运动辐射源的三维跟踪

    The 3-D Tracking of Moving Emitters Using Two-Coordinate R-Station

  3. 本研究以虚拟样机若干关键技术及其典型应用研究,国家863计划项目(2002AA411310)等重大专项为依托,对基于计算机视觉的运动人手三维跟踪过程中的一些关键问题进行探讨。

    This project is motivated by , and fused into the Research on Some Key Techniques and Its Typical Applications of A Virtual Prototyping ( 2002AA411310 ) .

  4. 具有慢速时滞机动目标三维跟踪

    Three dimensional time-delay maneuvering target tracking in slow velocity

  5. 本文对物体空间运动、二维鼠标三维跟踪球模拟、拾取算法进行了学习研究,并在系统中得以很好的应用。

    It discusses space movement , 3D track ball simulation , picking method and put them into practice in the system .

  6. 针对缺乏纹理特征的物体,提出了一种基于边的自适应实时三维跟踪方法。

    In order to effectively handle the tracking of textureless objects , this paper proposes an edge-based adaptive real-time3D tracking method .

  7. 微陀螺三维跟踪定位,通过系统触发、采集数据、放大转换和存储保持四个阶段完成。

    The micro gyro three-dimensional track and localization includes four stages , such as triggering system , acquiring data , enlarging and changing signal , storing and keeping data .

  8. 针对电子干扰日趋恶化的形势,文中专门研究了干扰条件下双基地系统如何利用数据融合实现对运动目标的三维跟踪问题。

    Against the gradually worsened situation of electronic countermeasure this paper specially studies the problem of 3-D location and tracking of moving targets accomplished by bistatic systems using data fusion uder the condition of countermeasure .

  9. 针对电子干扰和隐身目标的威胁日趋恶化的趋势,本文研究了电子对抗环境下T/RR型双基地雷达如何运用数据融合实现对隐身目标的三维跟踪问题。

    Against increasingly worsened situation caused by ECM and stealthy targets , this paper investigates the scheme of 3-D tracking for stealthy targets by T / R-R bistatic radar using data fusion in EW environment .

  10. 本文使用三维跟踪球技术实现对被测物体的交互旋转功能,使用平行透视下的拾取机制实现被测物体上特征点的选取,完成了三维交互设计。

    3-D virtual sphere technique is used to realize the function of interactive rotation and picking method based on parallel perspective is used to realize the special characteristic points picking , so the design of 3-D interaction is completed .

  11. 基于地球大气模式CIRA86,我们采用了三维射线跟踪方法模拟了5次完整的GPS掩星事件,估计了LEO卫星的轨道误差对GPS掩星测量中关键参数的影响。

    Based on the existent Earth atmosphere model , three dimensional ray-tracing techniques are employed to simulate five representative complete GPS occultation events . The effect of the orbit error is quantified on the key observable in occultation .

  12. 本文给出了采用IGRF模型的哨声模波三维射线跟踪方程,并概述了射线跟踪模型及数值计算程序。

    In this paper we have developed a program for three dimensional ray tracing of whistler-mode waves in which the IGRF model was adopted .

  13. 本文采用IGRF(1980)模型进行了哨声模三维射线跟踪计算,研究了夜间哨声通过低纬电离层传播的射线与波法的特征。

    In this paper , the propagation characteristics for rays and wave normals of VLF radio waves through the low-latitude ionosphere based on the 3-D ray tracing computation carried out for whistler mode waves are investigated by using an IGRF ( 1980 ) model .

  14. 一种用于移动系统场强预测的准三维射线跟踪模型

    A quasi 3-D ray-tracing model for field prediction in mobile systems

  15. 机器人焊接视觉法三维焊缝跟踪的研究

    A method of robotic welding seam tracking with 3D vision information

  16. 数字化仿形控制系统及三维曲面跟踪测量技术

    Digital Copying Control System and 3D Surface Tracking Measurement Technology

  17. 基于变形模型的心血管三维运动跟踪

    3D tracking of cardiac vessels in angiogram sequences based on deformable model

  18. 基于注册和多尺度表观模型的三维头部跟踪

    Three-dimensional head pose tracking using registration and multi-scale appearance model

  19. 基于三维射线跟踪方法的城市微小区定位模型

    Positioning model for urban microcell based on 3D ray-tracing method

  20. 基于三维射线跟踪模型的电波传播预测研究

    Study of Wave Propagation Prediction about Three-Dimensional Ray Tracing Model

  21. 虚拟漫游中替身步行浏览模式的三维地形跟踪算法的研究与实现

    3D Terrain Following Algorithm for Avatar in WALK View Mode in Virtual Walkthroughs

  22. 基于非均匀采样的多模型红外三维目标跟踪

    Multimodal IR 3-D target tracking based on non-uniform sampling

  23. 基于区域的手指三维运动跟踪

    Region - Based 3D Motion Tracking of Hand

  24. 层级潜变量空间中的三维人手跟踪方法

    Tracking 3D Hand in Hierarchical Latent Variable Space

  25. 眼在手上机器人手眼无标定三维视觉跟踪

    Eye-in-hand 3D robotic visual tracking without calibration

  26. 双基地中两坐标收站的三维定位跟踪算法

    TERMENAL STATION A 3-D Location & Tracking Algorithm of Two-Coordinate Observer , in Bistatic System

  27. 提出了基于区域的多连接体(手指)的三维运动跟踪算法。

    In this paper , a algorithm of region-based 3D motion tracking on multi-linkage is proposed .

  28. 提出了一种基于量子免疫克隆算法的三维人体跟踪方法。

    Proposed a three-dimensional human motion tracking method based on Quantum-Inspired Immune Cloning Algorithm ( QICA ) .

  29. 对三维虚拟跟踪球旋转算法进行了优化,设计了功能相似但模型简单并且符合用户操作习惯的新算法;

    A new virtual rotation controller is provided by studying the virtual roll-ball algorithm to accord with the habit of users .

  30. 在机器人操作和目标抓取应用中,传统的三维目标跟踪、目标识别和姿态估计等算法是基于点特征实现的。

    The traditional algorithms of 3D object tracking , recognition , and pose estimation are based on point features for robotic manipulation and object grasping .