
  1. 三天三夜讲不完。

    It would take days to tell it all .

  2. 过了三天三夜,百姓们都以为周处死了,喜出望外,互相庆贺。

    After three days and nights , the people all thought that Zhou Chu had died . They were jubilant and congratulated one another .

  3. 当工程师、隧道工以及各行各业的人们经过三天三夜的努力将她从井底救出来时,她已经没有了呼吸。

    Engineers and sandhogs and people in all walks of life worked almost three days , and when they got her out she was dead .

  4. 和氏抱着那块玉石,坐在那座山的山脚下哭泣,一连哭了三天三夜,哭干了眼泪,连血都哭出来了。

    He Shi sat at the foot of the hill , held the piece of jade in his hands and wept . He wept for three days and three nights until his tears dried up and his eyes bled .

  5. 这一次三天三夜的香港之行,又有新的收获。

    I gain more from the3-day trip in HK this time .

  6. 我们花了三天三夜,一遍有一遍的草拟修改这个计划。

    We spent three days and nights drafting revising the plan .

  7. 这条船漂流了三天三夜。

    The ship was all adrift three days and nights .

  8. 它一连飞了三天三夜才降落下来。

    It actually flew continually for three days and nights before it landed .

  9. 绵山一场大火烧了三天三夜。

    The fire lasted three whole days and nights ,

  10. 三天三夜耶稣在坟墓里。

    Days and3 Nights Jesus is in the Tomb .

  11. 他们向东走了三天三夜才找到水。

    They had walked for three days eastward before they saw any water .

  12. 奇怪的是,三天三夜之后,我发现村庄有了一种味道。

    After three days and nights even strange , I smelled something in nose .

  13. 接着睡了三天三夜,她完全不知道时间了。

    Having slept for three days , she had lost all track of time .

  14. 帕梅拉:我得了流感,我生病了三天三夜。

    Pamela : I got the flu , I was very sick for3 days .

  15. 因为他三天三夜一直没有休息过,没有合过眼。

    For three days and three nights he had allowed himself neither rest nor repose .

  16. 我们应该去听个三天三夜。

    We should go all three nights .

  17. 过了三天三夜,百姓们都以为周处死了。

    After three days and nights , the people all thought that Zhou Chu had died .

  18. 激战三天三夜之后,士兵们陷入绝境。

    After fighting fiercely three days and nights the soldiers had their back to the wall .

  19. 祥子,小福子,收生婆,连着守了她三天三夜。

    Xiangzi , joy and the midwife watched over her for three days and three nights .

  20. 他的人已经找寻他悬赏的白马三天三夜了。

    His men had been searching for his prized white horse for three days and three nights .

  21. 这以后的三天三夜,我脑子里的记忆很模糊。

    THE recollection of about three days and nights succeeding this is very dim in my mind .

  22. 他花了三天三夜在丛林中耐心的听这种小青蛙的叫声。

    He spent three days in the jungle , patiently listening for the calls of the tiny frog .

  23. 她的头非常沉重,因为她三天三夜没有合过眼睛。

    her head became so heavy -- she had not closed her eyes for three days and nights ;

  24. 一连哭了三天三夜,哭干了眼泪,连血都哭出来了。

    He wept for three days and three nights until his tears dried up and his eyes bled .

  25. 阿拉丁坐在台阶上等了三天三夜,但没有人来救他。

    For three days and three nights Aladdin sat on the stairs and waited , but no help came .

  26. 我先睡上个三天三夜,然后再告诉你我这次旅行的遭遇吧。

    After I flake down for about three days , I 'll tell you about my experience of this trip .

  27. 一名姓周的39岁的男士为了看球连续熬了三天三夜。

    One 39-year-old man from Shanghai , surname Zhou , stayed up for three nights in a row to watch games .

  28. 在他昏迷的三天三夜期间,这只鹿细心地照顾他,用野果喂他。

    For three days and nights , he was unconscious , and the deer nursed and fed him with wild fruit .

  29. 孩子们身上的钱差不多用完了,可离新奥尔良还有三天三夜的路。

    Children who almost run out of money , can be of three days and three nights before the New Orleans road .

  30. 一连三天三夜,和氏把泪水哭干了,又从眼里哭出血来。

    For three days and three nights , and the tears 's cried out , and from the eyes to cry bleeding .