
  • 网络SCALE;Scale Tool;Zoom;zoom tool
  1. 缩放工具,点击激活几次放大到最大的看法。

    Activate zoom tool and click few times to zoom in to maximum view .

  2. 调整模式:调整模式可以让你无论是在选择工具、移动工具、旋转工具或缩放工具时使用鼠标快速的移动元件。

    Tweak mode : Tweak mode lets you quickly move components under the mouse cursor regardless of whether you are currently using the Select Tool , Move Tool , Rotate Tool or Scale Tool .

  3. 复制并粘贴人物图片到画布,用自由缩放工具,按住Shift键调整人物图片的大小。

    Copy and paste the image into our canvas .

  4. 观察,移动,旋转和缩放工具。

    The View , Translate , Rotate , and Scale tools .

  5. 这是一个放大镜图标,周围有一个虚线方框;缩放区域工具允许放大图表,获取更详细的数据视图。

    This is the magnifying glass icon with an dotted box around it ; the zoom region tool allows you to zoom in on the chart to get more detailed view of the data .

  6. 她指出,一些新功能的普及,提高了消费者网上选购的能力,其中包括图像缩放和旋转工具、以前的顾客评论和评级等。

    She noted the spread of features that improved customers ' ability to assess products online , such as zoom and rotate tools , and reviews and ratings by previous customers .