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  1. 工会跟工商界资方交涉时代表着工人们一致的立场。

    The unions presented a united position among workers in discussion with owners of business and factories .

  2. 二是政府、民众、学术界三方齐心协力,共同推进学习型城市建设;

    Second , the government , the masses and the academic circles all pull together , advancing the establishment of the study-oriented city .

  3. 工会跟工商界资方交涉时代表着工人们一致的立用于跟踪员工工时数、考勤情况以及工资单信息的表单。

    The Unions presented a united position among workers in discussion with owners of business and factories . A form for tracking employee work hours , absences , and payroll information .

  4. 工程混沌现象非常普遍,其渗透的领域几乎涉及工程界的方方面面,工程混沌理论及其应用具有广泛的研究价值。

    Engineering chaos was such a universal phenomenon that it was reported virtually in every scientific discipline , the theory and practical applications of chaos have been widely valuable in many engineering fields .

  5. 每年,好莱坞和极客圈的大牌明星都会齐聚美国加州圣地亚哥市中心,参加圣迭戈国际动漫展。该展览涵盖了电影、电视剧、电子游戏等娱乐界的方方面面。

    Every year , some of the biggest names in Hollywood and geek culture converge on downtown San Diego , California , US , to kick off the annual Comic-Con International , the nexus of all things entertainment , including film , TV and video games .

  6. 将从协议中受益的规模较大的工商界利益相关方,基本上会保持沉默;

    larger business and industry stakeholders that would gain by the deal fall largely silent ;

  7. 通过分析,从理论上证明了闭环大系统是全局稳定的,跟踪误差有界且均方可积。

    Theoretical analysis shows that the designed scheme can guarantee the global stability of the systems with tracking errors holding bounds and its mean square performance .

  8. 正如前述,在跨文明对话越来越频繁且更加必要的今天,中国学界研究东西方世界的中国印象已经取得了丰硕成果。

    As is said before , Chinese scholars have had a number of research fruits in the study of Western images of China during the period of trans-cultural dialogues , which are frequent and necessary for the time being .

  9. 本文中,我们讨论了在定义模糊n-方体数值映射的某种类型的积分时要用到的序有界模糊n-方体数集的上确界与下确界的问题。

    In this paper , we discuss the problems of supremum and infimum of order bounded sets of fuzzy n-cell numbers , that is useful in the definition of some kind of integral about fuzzy n-cell number value ( mappings . )