
  1. 格鲁伯称,他这项污水处理工艺的成本和石油与天然气行业目前使用的“抽出污水然后直接排放掉”的系统是一样的,而且更加有利于环境保护。

    Gruber claims his process costs the same as the same as the " pump and dump " systems being used now by the industry and is better for the environment .

  2. cbi的兰伯特警告称,如果看到高管“被涂上柏油并插上羽毛”,未来几年内,英国亟需的外国投资可能会流失。

    Mr Lambert of the CBI warns that Britain could lose much-needed foreign investment in the coming years if executives are seen to be " tarred and feathered " .