
yīng sǔn
  • hawks and falcons;brutal/fierce people
鹰隼 [yīng sǔn]
  • [brute people like hawks and falcons] 两种猛禽;泛指凶猛的鸟。[古]:比喻天性凶狠而令人畏惧的人或勇猛的人

  • 鹰隼试翼。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  1. 戴维表示:如果大家担心鹰隼9号火箭的成本太高,他们也应该放眼展望未来,因为SpaceX公司正在开始做所有卓越科技公司都会做的事情:颠覆自己的技术。

    If everyone is worried about the cost of the Falcon 9 , they also should be looking down the road because SpaceX is already doing what all good tech companies do : disrupting its own technology , David says .

  2. 鹰隼凭着上升热气流的支持能非常缓慢地在空中盘旋。

    Hawks circle at very slow speeds supported by a thermal .

  3. 鸽子也将凌驾鹰隼;而依我看。

    The dove will peck the estridge ; and I see still .

  4. 杜邦自称“金鹰”,有着独特的,鹰隼般的外形。

    Du Pont called himself " the Golden Eagle " and had a distinctive , eagle-like profile .

  5. 就像这些鹰隼目的成员一样,阿根廷巨鹰的胸部肌肉并不能支持它们过多的拍打。

    Much like these birds , the giant teratorn 's chest muscles would not support excessive flapping ;

  6. 沼泽上的鹰隼低低地飞翔地草地上,已经在寻觅那初醒的脆弱的生物了。

    The marsh hawk , sailing low over the meadow , is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes .

  7. 沼泽上的鹰隼低低地飞翔在草地上,已经在寻觅那初醒的脆弱的生物了。

    The marsh hawk , sailing low over the meadow , is already seeking the first slimy life and awakes .

  8. 怪人啊,怪人!爱慕无法企及的高度的人,你为什么要栖息在鹰隼都不筑巢的峰顶?

    Stranger , stranger , lover of unreachable heights , why dwell you among the summits where eagles build their nests ?

  9. 这个母亲快速而又隐秘地看了黑根一眼,黑根在她的眼镜里面发现了灼烧的像鹰隼一般的胜利的光芒。

    The mother 's head turned for a quick furtive look at Hagen and he saw in her eyes a burning , hawklike triumph .

  10. 杜邦自称金鹰,有着独特的,鹰隼般的外形。设计师们想塑造出那个外形,但又不想弄得跟杜邦本人一模一样。

    Du Pont called himself the Golden Eagle and had a distinctive , eagle-like profile . The designers aimed to capture that profile while not creating a carbon copy of the real du Pont .