
  • 网络hawk
鹰派人物 [yīng pài rén wù]
  • [hawk] 采取好战态度(如在争论中)并且拥护直接强硬行动的人。比喻立场强硬,行动直接,且好战、勇猛

  1. 日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)是财政政策方面的鹰派人物,曾警告日本可能成为下一个希腊。此前他对采取大胆的经济刺激措施态度犹豫,担心进一步加重日本的债务负担。

    Naoto Kan , the prime minister and a fiscal hawk who has warned that Japan could become the next Greece , has been hesitant to adopt bold stimulus measures for fear of pushing the nation further into debt .

  2. 虽然他自称为赤字鹰派人物,但却没有支持辛普森-鲍尔斯(Simpson-Bowles)赤字削减委员会的报告,而他还是该委员会的成员。

    While positioning himself as a deficit hawk , he failed to embrace the report of the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction commission , on which he sat.

  3. 鉴于失业率的下滑以及通胀粘性,鹰派人物对出台更多定量宽松政策(qe)失去热情的事实已在人们的意料之中。

    The fact that the Hawks have lost enthusiasm for more quantitative easing is scarcely surprising , given the fall in unemployment , and the stickiness of inflation .

  4. 比如说,近期欧元兑日元汇率升值,一些货币鹰派人物认为,这就是日本央行(boj)操纵货币的证据。

    Take the recent appreciation of the euro against the yen , which some monetary hawks see as proof of currency manipulation by the Bank of Japan .

  5. 将自己描述为“政治斗士”的安倍,选择了一个主要由保守人士组成的内阁,并让鹰派人物麻生太郎(taroaso)留任外交大臣一职。

    Mr Abe , who describes himself as " a politician who fights " , has chosen a cabinet dominated by conservatives and kept the hawkish Taro Aso in his previous post as foreign minister .

  6. 鲍尔斯一直是预算赤字鹰派人物,而芬克显然通晓债券市场。

    Bowles has been a deficit hawk , and Fink clearly knows the debt market .

  7. 鹰派人物如在争论中显示出一种积极好战的或有侵略性态度的人

    One who demonstrates an actively aggressive or combative attitude , as in an argument .

  8. 作为鹰派人物的沙龙数十年来一直积极支持建立犹太人定居点,素有定居者之父之称。

    As a hawk , Sharon , Father of the Settlements , has always actively been supporting the Jewish settlements .

  9. 随后在2004年,这位长期鹰派人物改变了路线,支持单边从加沙地带撤军,此举震动了以色列政坛。

    Then , in 2004 , the longtime hawk rocked Israeli politics when he changed course to favor unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip .

  10. 美国共和党内的鹰派人物、以及德国或荷兰的鹰派人物认为危机的根源完全在于财政问题,这种观点是错误的。

    The view of Republican hawks in the US and of German or Dutch hawks in Europe that the crisis has fiscal roots alone is wrong .

  11. 它们说情报报告中没有迹象表明俄罗斯的军事姿态如今更加具有威胁性,而北约如采取对抗性的立场只会挑唆克里姆林宫里的鹰派人物们。

    They say nothing in intelligence reports suggests that Russia 's military posture is now more threatening ; a confrontational stand by NATO would just abet the Kremlin 's hawks .

  12. 权力天平更广泛的偏移,还可能会让中国鹰派人物有理由呼吁加大抵制美国在朝鲜、缅甸、苏丹等地区的施压。

    A broader shift in the balance of power is also likely to empower Chinese hawks to call for greater resistance to us pressure in places such as North Korea , Burma and Sudan .

  13. 作为一个相对的财政鹰派人物,他决定将重心放在降低政府不断扩大的赤字上,并通过了一项立法,为2015年之前将5%的消费税翻番奠定了基础。

    A relative fiscal hawk , his determined focus on seeking to narrow a yawning government deficit resulted in the passage of legislation paving the way for a doubling of the 5 per cent consumption tax by 2015 .