- 网络hawk

[hawk] 采取好战态度(如在争论中)并且拥护直接强硬行动的人。比喻立场强硬,行动直接,且好战、勇猛
Naoto Kan , the prime minister and a fiscal hawk who has warned that Japan could become the next Greece , has been hesitant to adopt bold stimulus measures for fear of pushing the nation further into debt .
While positioning himself as a deficit hawk , he failed to embrace the report of the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction commission , on which he sat.
The fact that the Hawks have lost enthusiasm for more quantitative easing is scarcely surprising , given the fall in unemployment , and the stickiness of inflation .
Take the recent appreciation of the euro against the yen , which some monetary hawks see as proof of currency manipulation by the Bank of Japan .
Mr Abe , who describes himself as " a politician who fights " , has chosen a cabinet dominated by conservatives and kept the hawkish Taro Aso in his previous post as foreign minister .
Bowles has been a deficit hawk , and Fink clearly knows the debt market .
One who demonstrates an actively aggressive or combative attitude , as in an argument .
As a hawk , Sharon , Father of the Settlements , has always actively been supporting the Jewish settlements .
Then , in 2004 , the longtime hawk rocked Israeli politics when he changed course to favor unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip .
The view of Republican hawks in the US and of German or Dutch hawks in Europe that the crisis has fiscal roots alone is wrong .
They say nothing in intelligence reports suggests that Russia 's military posture is now more threatening ; a confrontational stand by NATO would just abet the Kremlin 's hawks .
A broader shift in the balance of power is also likely to empower Chinese hawks to call for greater resistance to us pressure in places such as North Korea , Burma and Sudan .
A relative fiscal hawk , his determined focus on seeking to narrow a yawning government deficit resulted in the passage of legislation paving the way for a doubling of the 5 per cent consumption tax by 2015 .