
fǎn dònɡ pài
  • reactionaries
反动派 [fǎn dòng pài]
  • [reactionaries] 反对进步、正义和革命事业的派别集团

  1. 反动派看起来很强大,实际上十分虚弱。

    The reactionaries are fierce in appearance but feeble in reality .

  2. 我们对反动派决不施仁政。

    We definitely do not apply a policy of benevolence to the reactionaries .

  3. 因此,他帮助反动派阻挠进步。

    Thus , he aided reaction and thwarted progress .

  4. 对于反动派,鲁迅是从来不讲什么笔下留情的。

    In his writing , Lu Xun was never sparing in his criticism of the reactionaries .

  5. 反动派必定失败。

    Reactionaries are bound to fail .

  6. 反动派决不会自行退出历史舞台。

    The reactionaries will never , of their own accord , step down from the stage of history .

  7. 反动派总是看不见人民的力量。

    Reactionaries are always blind to the strength of the people .

  8. 他们谈了在国内如何同反动派作斗争。

    They related how they fought against the reactionaries at home .

  9. 反动派想出各种花样来欺骗人民。

    The reactionaries cooked up various schemes to deceive the people .

  10. 正如他所指出的那样,一切反动派都是纸老虎。

    As he pointed out , all reactionaries are paper tiger .

  11. 这一阴谋是企图让反动派重新上台。

    This plot was go bring the reactionaries back go power .

  12. 现在美国反动派的做法,也正是这样。

    Now the U.S. reactionaries are acting in exactly the same way .

  13. 反动派活动人士称,叙利亚的其他地方也在进行着战争。

    Activists say fighting also continues in other parts of the country .

  14. 一切出于反动派意料之外。

    Everything has gone against the expectations of the reactionaries .

  15. 老的高雅艺术作为绝望的反动派被抛弃了。

    The old hierarchy of the arts was dismissed as hopelessly reactionary .

  16. 这个错误非常之大,助长了反动派的气焰。

    This mistake is very serious and feeds the arrogance of the reactionaries .

  17. 一切反动派都以捣乱开始,以失败告终。

    All reactionaries invariably begin by making trouble and end up in defeat .

  18. 反动派越是横行霸道,就越发激起更强烈的反抗。

    The more the reactionaries lash out , the more resistance they provoke .

  19. 我们要鄙视一切反动派。

    We should treat all reactionaries with contempt .

  20. 这事加深了我们对反动派的憎恨。

    This deepened our hatred against the reactionaries .

  21. 一切反动派都没有好下场。

    All reactionaries will come to no good .

  22. 现在不去讲那些右派知识分子,那是反动派。

    Now let us leave aside the Rightist intellectuals , for they are reactionaries .

  23. 最豪迈,最傲气的一句话:切反动派都是纸老虎!

    The most heroic & haughty one : all reactionaries are just paper tigers !

  24. 叙利亚政府与反动派就庆祝穆斯林节日达成四天停火协议。

    Both sides had agreed to a four-day ceasefire to observe a Muslim holiday .

  25. 对于反动派中的动摇分子和胁从分子,应有宽大的处理。

    Vacillating elements and reluctant followers among the reactionaries should be dealt with leniently .

  26. 四分五裂的反动派为什么还要空喊全面和平?

    Why do the badly split reactionaries still idly clamour for " total peace "?

  27. 选举权,只给人民,不给反动派。

    The right to vote belongs only to the people , not to the reactionaries .

  28. 一般称呼右派分子也就可以了,不必称为反动派。

    In general , it is enough to call them " Rightists ", not reactionaries .

  29. 虎!虎!虎!(美国影片)蒋介石和他的支持者美国反动派也都是纸老虎。

    Chiang Kai-shek and his supporters , the U.S. reactionaries , are all paper tigers too .

  30. 好好学习,天天向上。帝国主义和一切反动派者都是纸老虎。

    Study hard , make progress every day . Imperialism and All Reactionaries are Paper Tigers .