
fǎn fǔ bài
  • anti-corruption
反腐败[fǎn fǔ bài]
  1. 我们应该依法大力提倡反腐败题材的影视作品创作,影视才能出好的作品。

    We should greatly encourage production of high-quality films and television series on anti-corruption .

  2. 加入WTO,必然对我国党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争产生深刻影响。

    China 's Entry WTO must have a deeply influence on its construction of a clean and honest administration and anti-corruption struggle .

  3. 加入WTO后高校党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争面临的挑战及对策

    After Joining WTO the Countermeasure and Challenge that the College Construction of a Clean and Honest Administration of Party Conduct is Faced with

  4. 活动人士团体印度反腐败组织(IndiaAgainstCorruption)指责瓦德拉的一些交易涉嫌违规,并指控他通过与一家房地产开发商的交易为己大举敛财。

    India Against Corruption , an activist group , has criticized some of Mr. Vadra 's deals and accused him of enriching himself through transactions with a property developer .

  5. 价值数十亿美元的翡翠生意本该促进克钦邦、乃至缅甸全国的和平发展,反腐败组织全球见证(GlobalWitness)的迈克·戴维斯(MikeDavis)说。

    The multibillion-dollar jade business should be driving peaceful development in Kachin and Myanmar as a whole , said Mike Davis from Global Witness , an anticorruption organization .

  6. 在g8峰会召开前夕发表的这份报告,批评东道主日本以及德国、意大利没有批准《联合国反腐败公约》(unitednationsconventionagainstcorruption)。

    The report , released on the eve of the G8 summit , criticises host Japan as well as Germany and Italy for not ratifying the United Nations Convention against corruption .

  7. 建议包括建立一个独立顾问委员会,由国际反腐败专家组成,以维护INT的独立性,加强问责。

    The recommendations include creation of an independent advisory board composed of international anticorruption experts to protect the independence and strengthen the accountability of INT.

  8. 在递交美国证交会的一份文件中,塔塔通信(tatacommunications)透露,该公司可能违反了《海外反腐败法》,因为其一家关联企业向东南亚某国政府采购部门的官员行贿。

    Tata communications has disclosed in an SEC filing that it may have breached the FCPA in relation to payments by an associated company to officials of a government purchaser in South-East Asia .

  9. StAR动议呼吁所有国家批准《联合国反腐败公约》(UNCAC)。目前,只有大约一半的经合发组织与八国集团国家批准了这个公约。

    StAR calls for the ratification by all countries of the UN Convention against corruption ( UNCAC )– something that only half of the OECD and G-8 countries have done .

  10. 上周,雅芳(Avon)公司公布第三季度业绩的时后,分析师们瞄准的却是这家公司正在接受的《海外反腐败法》(FCPA)调查。

    When Avon products ( AVP ) reported third-quarter earnings last week , analysts zeroed in on the ongoing Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ( FCPA ) investigation into the company .

  11. 2014年,APEC领导人宣布《北京反腐败宣言》通过,标志着中国在打击腐败的国际斗争中迈出了重要的一步。此后,反腐举措陆续出台。

    In 2014 , the Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption was adopted by APEC leaders , marking the first major step by Chinese authorities in the international battle to corruption . Since then , a series of additional steps have been made .

  12. Githongo也呼应了这个观点,他说,他不能接受多边机构采取反腐败措施是与反贫困措施背道而驰的说法。

    Echoing the point , Githongo said he could not accept the debate that anti-corruption measures by multilateral institutions were antithetical to anti-poverty measures .

  13. 印度反腐败组织(该组织作为一项草根运动推动了反腐败政党平民党(AamAdmiParty)的建立)称,这些交易是DLF的一种策略,旨在用房地产和金钱来贿赂甘地家族。

    India Against Corruption , a grass-roots movement that has spawned an anticorruption political party called the Aam Admi Party , alleged that the transactions amounted to a ploy for DLF to give the Gandhi family property and money to curry favor .

  14. 腐败现象解析及反腐败机制构建

    Analyzing the Phenomenon of Corruption and Constructing the Mechanisms of Anti-corruption

  15. 反腐败重在健全制度

    The Key to the Cracking Corruption Lies in Perfecting the System

  16. 反腐败要从党内抓起,从高级干部抓起,从具体事件抓起;

    Fighting corruption within the Party and high - ranking officials ;

  17. 您是否了解美国海外反腐败法和国际或国内的反贿赂法律?

    Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and international or local anti-bribery laws ?

  18. 论党的第三代领导集体对反腐败思想的创新

    On the third Chinese Leadership 's Innovation of Concepts against Corruption

  19. 他以反腐败者的形象引起公众注意。

    He caught the public imagination as a crusader against corruption .

  20. 必须反对落后性,深入开展反腐败斗争。

    We must oppose the backwardness and deeply develop struggle of anti-corruption .

  21. 对腐败产生的根源和反腐败的一些思考

    The Thinking on the Root of Corruption and on Fighting Against Corruption

  22. 试论反腐败斗争的基本方略

    On the General Approach to the Struggle Against Corrupt Dealings

  23. 人民群众在反腐败中的地位、作用及参与反腐败的途径

    The Position , Role and Means of People in the Anti-corruption Campaign

  24. 要高度重视反腐败斗争的环境建设

    Highly Value the Environmental Construction of the Struggle against Corruption

  25. 效用现值模型及其在反腐败行为中的应用

    Effectiveness PW pattern establishment and its application to the anti-corruption

  26. 关于高校反腐败工作的思考

    Work on Combating and Preventing Corruption in Colleges and Universities

  27. 金融危机背景下反腐败的法律制度构建

    Financial Crisis in the Background of the Establishment of Anti-corruption Legal System

  28. 我必须很小心地对付那些反腐败小组的大学生们。

    I have to box clever with those college boys from anti-corruption .

  29. 民心稳定,是反腐败斗争的基本前提;

    Stable mass feelings are one of the essential prerequisites for anti-corruption ;

  30. 我国转型时期高校基建部门反腐败问题研究

    The Infrastructure Sector of China 's Colleges and Universities Anti-corruption