
  • 网络Diversified growth;Diversification growth
  1. 澳大利亚经济需要加快建筑、旅游和农业的多元化增长。

    What the Australian economy needs is diversified growth in construction , tourism and agriculture to pick up .

  2. 在需求方面,印度需要更多地发掘外部需求,以促进多元化增长。

    On the demand side , India needs to tap more into external demand to both diversify and raise growth .

  3. 通用搜索引擎,在很大程度上解决了人们在Web上查找信息的困难,但是随着信息多元化的增长,也存在着种种不足。如:查准率查全率低、内容相对陈旧、信息分布不平衡等。

    The general search engine solves difficulties of people finding information on web to a large extent . However , with the development of information diversification , many shortcomings exist , such as low precision , low recall , content obsolescence and distribution unbalance .

  4. 他表示:争夺全球人才的战争意味着,我们不能对那些能够帮助我们实现经济多元化和增长的人关闭边境。

    He said : The fight for global talent means we must not shut our borders to those who can help our economy diversify and grow .

  5. 多元化的增长型基金投资选择面很广,除了股票,其他的还包括投资级债券、私募股权、房产、甚至是新兴市场主权债务。

    Your typical diversified growth fund has an array of options , from equities to investment grade bonds , private equity , property , even emerging market sovereign debt .

  6. 因此,中国产业的梯度大转移不仅大大延缓了中国工业化红利消退的速度,同时通过构建多元化的增长极使中国空间布局更加科学。

    So the great shift of China 's industry greatly slows down the receding of dividend of China 's industrialization . By constructing the pluralistic growth poles , the layout of China 's growth is more scientific .

  7. 随着Web上多元化信息的增长,传统的搜索引擎,即通用搜索引擎已经不能满足人们对个性化信息检索服务日益增长的需要。

    With Web information continuing to explode in all directions , traditional Search Engine can 't keep up with the more and more rigorous and prolific search requirements from different users .

  8. 运用网络发展现代远程教育,是教育多元化发展的新增长点。

    Meanwhile , is the new growing point for multi-component growth of education to develop modern long-distance education by means of net technology .

  9. 新时期信息资源的多元化、爆炸式增长决定了党校图书馆必须加强信息资源建设。

    The plurality and increase of the information at present time decides the party school library must strengthen the construction of the information resources .

  10. 主办国美国已经设定了正式议程,包括经济多元化国家和绿色增长的一体化。

    The United States , as the host nation , has set the formal agenda that includes integration between the economically diverse nations and green growth .