
  1. 美国多校园大学内部管理探析

    Exploring the Interior Administration of American Multi-campus College and University Systems

  2. 在过去的半个世纪里,多校园大学系统已经成为美国公立高等教育管理的主导模式。

    In the past semi-century , Multi-campus College and University Systems have become the dominant mode of public higher educational governance in the United States .

  3. 但是,克尔也强调权力的制衡,认为在多校园大学系统与分校关系问题上,集权与分权的程度是动态发展的,没有黄金法则。

    But he also insists on balance of power and considers the degree of centralization and decentralization in the relationship between the system and campuses as dynamic which has no golden principle .

  4. 略论多校区大学管理的理论研究&兼论美国多校园大学系统与中国多校区大学的管理

    A Theoretical Study on the Management of Chinese Multisite University