
zǔ bèi
  • ancestors;forefathers;forebears;ancestry
祖辈 [zǔ bèi]
  • [ancestors;forefathers;ancestry;forebears] 祖先,祖宗

祖辈[zǔ bèi]
  1. 这一习俗是从祖辈相传下来的。

    The custom has come down to us from our ancestors .

  2. 其它locale编码可以与其祖辈稍有不同,并且它们的文件只需要全部资源的一小部分就可以正常运行。

    Other locale encodings may differ only slightly from their ancestors and their files may require only a small subset of the total resources to function properly .

  3. 如今,大部分成年人都没有过去的人那么活跃,因为我们的工作和祖辈相比较没那么耗体力了。

    Today , most adults are much less active than in the past because our jobs are far less physical than the work our grandparents used to do .

  4. 他们的祖辈1856年在这块土地上定居下来。

    Their ancestry settled the land in 1856 .

  5. 奥巴马还是前任总统乔治W布什的第11代表亲,他们共同的祖辈是塞缪尔欣克利。

    Mr Obama is apparently an11th cousin of former president , George W.Bush , through common ancestor Samuel Hinckley .

  6. 从我们纳斯达克的办公室,我可以俯瞰整个纽约港。伫立在港湾的自由女神像(StatueofLiberty)当年曾经欢迎我的祖辈来到这个国家,令我深受启发。

    From our offices at Nasdaq I can look out over New York harbour and be inspired by the Statue of Liberty that welcomed my grandparents to this country .

  7. 1960年代末期,洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)家族的一些继承者公开承认他们对自己拥有的财富以及他们的祖辈获得这些财富的手段感到愧疚。

    During the late 1960s , some of the heirs of the Rockefeller clan openly admitted feeling guilty about their wealth and the way their ancestors came by it .

  8. 现在,他们每周花两小时在课堂上学习chontal语言-他们父辈和祖辈使用的语言。

    Now , they study chontal language – the language of their parents and grandparents-two hours a week in the classroom .

  9. 我这一代人和我父辈和祖辈表现不同。

    My generation behaves differently from my father 's and grandfather 's.

  10. 乔想去走访祖辈居住过的那个岛屿。

    Joe wants to visit the island where his forefathers lived .

  11. 你真以为我们的祖辈从来没有出过海吗?

    Do you really think our ancestors stayed within the reef ?

  12. 谢天谢地,那只是在家里!祖辈节快乐。

    Thank goodness it runs in the family ! Happy grandparents day .

  13. 它在海底游动,就象它的祖辈那样。

    It swims on the sea floor just as its ancestors did .

  14. 你知道我们的祖辈乔纳森·吉尔伯特的事儿吗

    Do you know anything about our ancestor Johnathan Gilbert ?

  15. 正是这份渴望定义了我们的父辈和祖辈

    the same hunger that defined so many of our parents and grandparents

  16. 你配的上祖辈们么,巴兹尔?

    Are you worthy of your ancestors , basil ?

  17. 祖辈家长儿童观的个案研究

    A Case study on Grandparents ' Viewpoint of Children

  18. 我知道今天也有很多母亲和祖辈到场.

    And I know there are moms and grandparents here today who did .

  19. 你们的父母以及祖辈肯定不愿想象

    That your parents and grandparents could not even imagine

  20. 这是散居在全球的人们,离开了祖辈的土地,

    This is the global diaspora ; people have left their ancestral lands ,

  21. 他们保留着祖辈的信仰,我从未怀疑过。

    They retain the religion of their forefathers . I have never questioned that .

  22. 在有着祖辈和父母温暖的家中,童年是快乐的。

    With grandparents and parents in the warmth of home , childhood was happy .

  23. 象祖辈一样的陈旧方法;

    Methods as old as our forefathers ;

  24. 社会因素和祖辈口腔健康行为对儿童龋病发生的影响

    Effect of social factors and oral health behaviors of grandparents on dental caries of children

  25. 我们终将生活在一个和谐的社会里,这是我们祖辈们的梦想。

    We 'll all be living in a harmony society , which was our forefathers'dream .

  26. 祖辈促使幼儿过度进食的动机体现在养育责任的驱使和自身对贫困和饥饿的体验。

    Responsibility of foster and experience to poverty were the motivations for grandparents to overfeed .

  27. 过去一家老小常常挤在祖辈留下来的一条小船上。

    Young and old would crowd into one small boat handed down by their forefathers .

  28. 患儿由祖辈老人陪护就医的心理分析及护理

    Analysis of Psychological Factors and Nursing Care for the Sick Children Accompanied by their Grandparents

  29. 只是祖辈传下来的事情。

    Zach : It 's just something that 's been passed down through the generations .

  30. 认为潜鸟是祖辈的灵魂。

    Believed loons were ancestral spirits .