
  • 网络Zucco
  1. 这种反应说明一个重要的问题&即,威胁美国价值的极端主义分子就是罗斯福所称的“经济保皇分子”,而不是在祖可蒂公园安营扎寨的人。

    And this reaction tells you something important & namely , that the extremists threatening American values are what F.D.R.called " economic royalists ," not the people camping in Zuccotti Park .

  2. 占领华尔街运动已经进入第二个月,其位于祖可蒂公园(抗议者们更喜欢自由公园这一旧称)的营地已经是旅游环形路线上的固定地标。

    Now in its second month , the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park ( protesters prefer the old name of Liberty Park ) is already a fixture on the tourist circuit .