
zǔ lǔ
  • Zulu;Zuru
  1. 阿尔法-布拉沃-祖鲁643呼叫萨德扎,能听到我的声音吗?完毕。

    Alpha-Bravo-Zulu 643 to Saltezar , do you read me ? Over

  2. 数以千计的人,主要是祖鲁族人,聚集在托考查的一个体育场里。

    Thousands of people , mainly Zulus , assembled in a stadium in Thokoza

  3. 直到现在年轻的祖鲁男孩还练习格斗。

    To this day young Zulu boys practise fighting .

  4. 南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省HIV阳性年轻患者的缺血性卒中

    Ischemic stroke in young HIV-positive patients in Kwazulu-Natal , South Africa

  5. 拿他的“祖鲁妈妈椅”(zulumamachair)来说,这种椅子结合了土著居民的编织技术和现代不锈钢基座,他得创建一个单独的企业来培训工人,这些工人如今正面向国际市场制作产品。

    For his Zulu Mama chair , which marries an indigenous weaving technique to a contemporary stainless steel base , he had to create a separate business to train the workers who now make the piece for an international market .

  6. 在夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省,一支以“catomanor”著称的警署击中队,今年因被控暗杀了几十名嫌疑犯之后被解散了。

    In the province of KwaZulu Natal an alleged police hit squad , known as the " Cato Manor " unit , was disbanded earlier this year after being accused of carrying out scores of assassinations of suspects .

  7. 夸祖鲁纳塔尔大学(UniversityofKwaZulu-Natal)南非建成环境与开发研究学院教授帕特里克o邦德(PatrickBond)预计,南非在场馆建设方面花费了25亿美元,因为这些场馆使用率不高,而且每年的维修和运营补贴需要约1800-2400万美元。

    Patrick Bond , a professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal 's School of Built Environment and Development Studies in South Africa , estimates that the country spent about $ 2.5 billion on stadiums that , because they are underused , require some $ 18-24 million in annual maintenance and operation subsidies .

  8. “简单的事实是:一种尺寸并不能适合所有人,”南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔大学的流行病学家、这种成功的杀微生物剂试验的负责人SalimAbdoolKarim说。

    " The simple truth is : one size does not fit all ," says Salim Abdool Karim , epidemiologist at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa and a leader of the successful microbicide trial .

  9. Mhlongo在夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省作为传统治疗师行医34年,他说传统治疗师已经越来越意识到这种草药在治疗艾滋病病毒感染者方面的成功。

    Mhlongo , who has practised as a traditional healer in KwaZulu-Natal for34 years , said traditional healers have become increasingly aware of the herb 's success in treating HIV-positive patients .

  10. 一位祖鲁族女招待正在为顾客端上当地特色的烤肉。

    A Zulu waitress is serving local barbecues for her customers .

  11. 除非下个买家碰巧喜欢你的什么祖鲁巫毒风格。

    Unless the next buyer happens to have your same zulu-voodoo-land taste .

  12. 我们一直在研究南非祖鲁人的圣歌。

    We 've been studying Zulu chants of South Africa .

  13. 千禧塔,德班,夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省,南非

    Millenium tower , durban , kwazulu-natal , South Africa

  14. 2005年,夸祖鲁&纳塔尔省的病患率最高

    KwaZulu-Natal has the highest prevalence rate , as of2005

  15. 比如哈代关于祖鲁战争的作品。

    Say hardy 's writing about the Zulu wars .

  16. 他们被并入祖鲁王国。

    They are incorporated into the Zulu empire .

  17. 所有女性均来自南非的夸祖鲁纳塔尔。

    All were from KwaZulu-Natal , South Africa .

  18. 一个全套着装的祖鲁族人看上去很威风凛凛。

    A Zulu in full dress looked magnificent .

  19. 祖鲁和科萨翻译的《圣经》和其他语种的《圣经》将很快提供给手机用户。

    Zulu and Xhosa version will be available soon and other languages will follow .

  20. 今年南非祖鲁的“芦苇节”就是一例。

    And so it proved with this year 's Zulu reed dance in South Africa .

  21. 那会是祖鲁时间吗?

    Would that be Zulu time ?

  22. 吉迪恩还常常被当作犹太人的名字(尽管在祖鲁人中这个名字也很常见)。

    Gideon is also regarded as a Jewish name ( although it is also popular amongst Zulus ) .

  23. 祖鲁族和古老族人开车7小时告别改变了这个国家的英雄。

    Zulus and traditional warrior drove seven hours to bid farewell to the hero that transformed that nation .

  24. 有人说,白人占上风是因为有枪,而祖鲁人用的却是长矛。

    Some say the white men prevailed because they had guns , whereas the Zulus made do with spears .

  25. 甚至在夸祖鲁-纳塔尔的边远村庄也感受到了中国发展增长所带来的巨大压力。

    Even in a remote village in Kwazulu-Natal , the impact of China 's growth is being harshly felt .

  26. 这使佐立克对军事史产生了浓厚的兴趣,从美国内战到祖鲁起义。

    That left his son with a passion for military history , from the US Civil War to Zulu uprisings .

  27. 德班是祖鲁文化的门户,在德班,游客可以感受到强烈的祖鲁文化气息。

    Durban is also a gateway to the Zulu Kingdom , where tourists can experience the intensity of Zulu culture .

  28. 留下来的难以解决的问题是:非国大会同意下放哪些权力给这位祖鲁族领袖呢?

    The festering issue that remains is : what powers will the ANC agree to devolve to the Zulu leader ?

  29. 这里,一位部落的妇女穿深红色裙子摇摆,当一个表演在恩杜穆游戏储备在库哇语祖鲁语――南非的纳塔尔。

    Here , the crimson skirt of a tribeswoman sways during a performance at the Ndumu Game Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal .

  30. 这项发现10月份在南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省德班市的一个新闻发布会上被公布。

    The findings were announced at a press conference in Durban , KwaZulu Natal province , South Africa in October .