
  • 网络elizabethtown;Elizabeth town;Elizabethtown Original Score
  1. 为什么不把令尊安葬在伊丽莎白镇?

    Why isn 't he buried in elizabethtown ?

  2. 他正准备返回伊丽莎白镇的家园。

    On his way home to elizabethtown .

  3. 他们把他送往新泽西伊丽莎白镇的拘留所待了数星期。拘留所内有一大群移民,都是近来在国土安全条款下被捕的,许多人在美国工作、居住多年,多数都不谙英语。

    They took him to a detention center in Elizabeth , New Jersey , where he stayed for weeks amongst a vast crowd of immigrants , all of whom had recently been arrested under the Homeland Security Act , many of whom had been living and working in America for years , most of whom didn 't speak English .