
  • 网络The Good Doctor
  1. PAULALCESTEZAMOR:“我想成为一个好医生,然后再回到海地,以帮助那里的人民。”

    PAUL ALCESTE ZAMOR : " I want to be a good surgeon , and then go back to Haiti to help people there . "

  2. 不,我不是谈论德博士我有一个好医生,科学的企业管理学位。

    I have a Doctor of Science Degree in Business Administration .

  3. 她具有一个好医生应有的品质。

    She has the qualities that mark a good doctor .

  4. 一个好医生的耐心是无限的。

    A good doctor 's patience will never give out .

  5. 单有医学知识并不能成为一个好医生。

    Medical knowledge alone doesn 't make a good doctor .

  6. 你认为你会是一个好医生吗?

    Do you think you 'll be a good doctor ?

  7. 一个好医生可以拯救一个人的生命。

    A good doctor can save people 's lives .

  8. 女王有一个好医生在照料她。

    The queen had a good doctor attending her .

  9. 我曾经病得很重,然后又吃了一个好医生治好了我。

    I was once very sick and later a good doctor cured me .

  10. 我坚信作为一个好医生意味着拥有足够的临床知识。

    I believed that being a good doctor meant knowing the clinical facts down cold .

  11. 艾凡,醒醒。我已经问过这家旅社的林德奎斯特太太请她推荐一个好医生。

    Evan , wake up . I 've already asked Mrs. Lindquist here at the hostel for a good doctor .

  12. 一个好的医生应当时时刻刻关心着他的病人。

    A good doctor should always concern himself with his patients .

  13. 奥巴马总统的白宫工作人员里有没有一个好心理医生?

    Does the president have a good shrink on the White House staff ?

  14. 我们需要一个好的医生。

    We need a good doctor .

  15. 唐:假如我是你,我会去找一个好的心理医生。

    Don : If I were you , I 'd get a good 1 ) psychiatrist .

  16. 另一个好主意:送医生礼品酒最好找一个医生运作的酒庄去买。

    Another fun suggestion : give a doctor of gift of wine from one of the many doctor-run wineries .

  17. 如果一个人研读这部经将获得法眼并且成为一个好医生。

    One who studies this sutra will gain the right eye of Dharma and become a good doctor .

  18. 另一方面,像我们自己一样的年轻见习医生应该很清楚什么是一个好医生?怎样才能做一个好医生&尤其是在病人的严重。

    On the other hand , young trainee doctors such as ourselves should be quite clear what a good doctor is , and how we can become one , especially in the eyes of patients .