
yī qiè cónɡ shí jì chū fā
  • 熟语proceed from reality all work
  1. 或者说一切从实际出发。

    In other words , we must proceed from reality .

  2. 首先:我们应该一切从实际出发,客观分析错误和失败的原因。

    First : We should be realistic and objective analysis errors and fails .

  3. 我们的原则是一切从实际出发。

    Our principle is that everything must be realistic .

  4. 搞社会主义一定要实事求是,一切从实际出发,科学社会主义理论必须随着实践和科学的发展而发展;

    The scientific socialist theory must develop with the development of practice and sciences .

  5. 其一,必须坚持一切从实际出发。

    First , we must insist on the principle that everything start from reality .

  6. 学习运用“实践论”观点,坚持实事求是,一切从实际出发;

    Learn the theory of practice and be practical and realistic all the time .

  7. 1996年我省开始对下实施过渡期财政转移支付,由于没有现成的模式可以照搬照抄,只能一切从实际出发,兼收并蓄,摸着石头过河。

    In 1996 , our provincial government began to implement transitional transfer payment to the lower governments .

  8. 口腔黏膜鳞癌手术切缘的分子生物学定量研究或者说一切从实际出发。

    Quantitative Molecular Biological Study on Surgical Margins in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma In other words , we must proceed from reality .

  9. 一切从实际出发,发挥后发优势能促进教学各方面的创新和跨越式发展。

    Under practical circumstances , advantage in postponement can make colleges and universities achieve instructional innovation and development by leaps in all aspects .

  10. 使命:一切从实际出发,为职业经理人和企业提供系统性、针对性、可操作性的服务和咨询。

    Our Mission : To start from the practice , provide systematic , pertinent and operational service and consulting for professional managers and enterprises .

  11. 这启迪我们当前仍要坚持一切从实际出发,立足于社会主义初级阶段的基本国情进行社会建设。

    It enlightens us that everything must start from reality , and that social construction must be based on the primary stage of socialism .

  12. 一切从实际出发,遵循社会发展客观规律,是科学发展观的基本前提;

    The basic premise of the scientific concept of development is to seek truth from facts , and obey the objective law of social development .

  13. 实事求是就是要照顾全局,一切从实际出发,克服地方主义、本位主义和分散主义。

    Seeking truth from facts must consider the situation as a whole , proceed from actual conditions entirely , and overcome localism , departmental selfishness and decentralism .

  14. 必须一切从实际出发,不能把目标定得不切实际,也不能把时间定得太短。

    In everything we do we must proceed from reality , seeing to it that our targets are realistic and that enough time is allowed to fulfil them .

  15. 在现实启示上主要是坚持一切从实际出发的理论品格,坚持科学的工作方法,尊重农民的主体地位。

    In the realistic enlightenment is mainly proceed from reality theory character , adhere to the scientific methods of work , respect for the dominant position of the farmers .

  16. 实事求是,一切从实际出发,理论联系实际,是马克思主义中国化过程中我们党所形成的思想路线。

    Seeking truth from facts , all proceeding from the actual situation and linking theory with practice is the ideological line that formed in the course of Marxist sinicization .

  17. 学习运用实践论观点,坚持实事求是,一切从实际出发;事实上,在拖吊车司机出现后,事情的发展更加怪异。

    Learn the theory of Practice and be practical and realistic all the time . Actually , things got a little weirder when the tow truck driver showed up .

  18. 第三,我们总是讲,要坚持实事求是,理论和实际相结合,一切从实际出发。

    Third , we have always said that it is necessary to stick to the principles of seeking truth from facts , integrating theory with practice and proceeding from reality in all things .

  19. 我们深入研究和把握他的这一论述,真正做到实事求是,一切从实际出发,对构建社会主义和谐社会,具有重大而深远的理论和实践意义。

    It is of great and far-reaching significance in theory and practice for us to establish a harmonious socialist society if we can further study and grasp his statement , and truely carry out the line .

  20. 实事求是,一切从实际出发,理论联系实际,坚持实践是检验真理的标准,这就是我们党的思想路线。

    To seek truth from facts , we must proceed from reality in all things , link theory with practice and hold practice to be the touchstone of truth & that is the ideological line of our party .

  21. 本文深入分析了社会主义初级阶段道德建构的基础及原则,指出道德建设必须遵循道德演变的客观规律,一切从实际出发,从中国国情出发,强调道德建设要以人为本,一切围绕人展开。

    The article also analyses the foundation and principles of the construction of morality in the primary Socialism , and proposes that we should be practical and realistic to abide by the laws of the evolvement of morality .

  22. 在人类发展史上,一代又一代马克思主义者坚持一切从实际出发,从变化了的社会经济情况出发,就发展问题做出科学的判断和回答,从而把发展问题的研究不断地引向深入。

    In the history of human development , generation after generation Marxists insist on proceeding from reality in everything from changes in the socio-economic situation on making scientific judgments and answering development questions in order to study the development of continuously deepening .

  23. 学习和借鉴西方经济学的理论必须以马克思主义经济学为指导,一切从实际出发,理论联系实际,以我国实际的时代发展来借鉴西方经济学理论的科学成份;

    The learning and reference of western economic theories has to be guided by Marxist economy , be practical and combine theory with practice , taking the helpful components of western economic theories for the use of China 's current social development .

  24. 理论联系实际,一切从西部的实际出发,是本文的基本方法和主要特点。

    The combination of theory with practice and the proceeding from actual conditions of the western area are basic researching methods and main characters of the dissertation .

  25. 总之,制定一切政策,要从实际出发。

    In short , in formulating a policy , we have to proceed from realities .

  26. 一切都要从这个实际出发,根据这个实际来制订规划。

    In everything we do we must proceed from this reality , and all planning must be consistent with it .