
  • 网络one-point perspective;One point perspective;one-point linear perspective
  1. 一点透视图中正面斜镜的虚像画法

    Drawing Method of Virtual Image of Front Oblique Mirror in One-point Perspective Drawing

  2. 在一点透视中,确定直线长度距点也可以是设计者根据设计表达效果的需求任意确定;

    In Single Point Perspective , the designer can also determinate Vanishing Point anywhere on the horizon with the need of design 's expression effect .

  3. 如求出所作直线上的位于画面平行面上另一点的透视,就能不用灭点而定出该直线的透视方向。

    If the perspective of another point in the desired line which lies in a plane parallel to the picture is found , the perspective direction of the desired line can be determined without referring to the vanishing point .

  4. 这一点上Excel透视表非常的灵活,标签可以被放在行,列,或者那些区域层级的任意位置。

    Excel PivotTables offer significant flexibility in this area – the labels can be on rows , on columns , and anywhere in the hierarchy on either of those areas .

  5. 关于Marcinkiewicz积分交换子的一点注记热点透视:关注热点话题,分析行业最新动态。

    Hotspot Perspective : It focuses on hot topics and analyses the latest trends of the industry .