
  1. 丹尼尔和我总是一起做作业。

    Daniel and I do our homework together all the time .

  2. 老师:你父亲有没有跟你一起做作业?

    Teacher : Did your father help you with your homework ?

  3. 那时放学以后我们总是在一起做作业。

    In those days we would do our homework together after school .

  4. 我们有时候一起做作业。

    We sometimes do our homework together .

  5. 我们一起造作业。

    We do homework together .

  6. 这样,组织就可以将自己的注意力集中在如何一起应用作业调度技术和供应与自动配置技术上了。

    This , in turn , results in organizations turning their attention to marrying job scheduling technologies with provisioning and orchestration technologies .

  7. 不!我被分配跟Michael一起做团体作业。

    No. I 've got assigned to work with Michael for our group project .

  8. bossaround颐指气使我被分配跟Marvin一起做团体作业。

    A : I 've got assigned to work with Marvin for our group project .

  9. 他们发邮件给同学,一起讨论完成作业。

    They are e-mailing classmates to discuss and collaborate on homework .

  10. 今天下午,我和我的朋友一起谈论了作业。

    I talked with my friends about our homework this afternoon .

  11. 确实如此。我们一起回家做作业去吧。

    Exactly . let 's go back and do today 's homework .

  12. 我和朋友一起讨论我作业中的问题。

    I discussed my homework with my friend .

  13. 我们鼓励大家跟同学们一起完成家庭作业及设计习题。

    We encourage you to work with your peers on homework and the design exercises .

  14. 噢!不!我被分配跟迈克一起做团队作业。

    Oh , no ! I 've been assigned to work with Mike for our group project .

  15. 随钻震击器是连接在钻具中随钻柱一起进行钻井作业的井下解卡工具。

    The drilling jar which is connected with drill tool and worked with drill string is a downhole stuck freeing tool in drilling operation .

  16. 同样一起上课、作业、考试,为什么会出现有的人知识面广,有的人知识面窄的现象,应该怎样扩大知识面呢?

    The same class , homework , tests , why some people a wide range of knowledge , some narrow knowledge phenomenon , how should expand knowledge ?

  17. 她没哭,反而喊道:“你根本不知道什么是朋友!”每天下午,她都会去卢恰娜家,与她一起完成家庭作业,与此同时,罗绍拉的母亲会在卢恰娜家打扫房间。

    Instead , she yelled : " You know nothing about being friends ! " Every afternoon she used to go to Luciana 's house and they would both finish their homework while Rosaura 's mother did the cleaning .

  18. 但是,把所有设备组合在一起并开发联合作业流程的工作将在西安完成。

    But putting all the machines together and figuring out processes to make them work in unison will be done in Xi'an .