
yī yuán yùn suàn fú
  • unary operation
  1. 一元运算符的参数必须是包含类型

    The parameter of a unary operator must be the containing type

  2. 像负号这样的一元运算符就留给读者练习。

    A unary operator such as Minus is left as an exercise .

  3. 一元运算符-(减)对其数值型操作数取负。

    The unary - ( minus ) operator yields the negation of its numeric argument .

  4. 决定成员是否包含一元运算符,这些运算符用于控制单个成员的值如何聚合到其父成员的值中。

    Determines whether members have unary operators that control how individual member values are aggregated into their parent member 's value .

  5. 如果第一项的系数为负,则需在行首打印一元运算符负号,后面没有空格。

    If the coefficient of the first term is negative , it is preceded by a unary minus in the first column , with no intervening blank column .

  6. 因此,在一串没有括号的由幂运算符和一元运算符组成的序列,会从左到右面求值(没有强制改变求值顺序)。

    Thus , in an unparenthesized sequence of power and unary operators , the operators are evaluated from right to left ( this does not constrain the evaluation order for the operands ) .

  7. 一元负运算符应用于无符号类型,结果仍为无符号类型

    Unary minus operator applied to unsigned type , result still unsigned

  8. 此一元/二进制全局运算符只能具有一个或两个参数

    This unary / binary global operator can only have one or two parameters

  9. 一元加、减运算符

    Unary minus and plus operators

  10. 确定是否可以为此级别上的自定义成员和下一级别上的一元运算符定义计算选项。

    Determines whether calculation options can be defined for custom members on this level and unary operators on the following level .