
  • 网络standard output;STDOUT;stderr;System.out;COUT
  1. 将XML文档输出到标准输出。

    Output the XML documents to stdout .

  2. 这里,将标准输出写至outputfile,而将所有写至标准错误的内容都写至errorfile。

    Here , stdout goes to output_file while anything written to stderr goes to error_file .

  3. 解析范本,并传送到标准输出(浏览器)

    Parses template and sends to standard output ( Browser ) .

  4. 如果该脚本能够正常运行,您将在标准输出[stdout]中看到“helloworld”。

    If this script works , you 'll see " hello world " on standard output [ stdout ] .

  5. 例如,echo和print命令打印到标准输出。

    For example , the echo and the print command print to standard output .

  6. 最后,sort将结果打印到其标准输出设备,即所连接的终端窗口上。

    Finally , sort prints the results to its standard output device , which remains connected to the terminal .

  7. ls命令把目录输出到标准输出。

    The ls command outputs the directory to the standard output .

  8. 这里,command仍然写至它的标准输出,不过shell/内核将其重定向,所以输出写至outputfile。

    Here , command still writes to its stdout , but this is redirected by the shell / kernel so that the output goes to output_file .

  9. 如果没有指定quiet标志,会产生下面的标准输出,在默认情况下输出显示在屏幕上

    If the quiet flag is not specified you will get the following standard output , which by default goes to the screen

  10. 在这个例子中,已首先将标准输出重定向至outputfile;因此“2>&1”将使标准错误也被重定向至outputfile。

    In this case , stdout has first been redirected to output_file ; hence the " 2 > & 1 " will cause stderr to also be redirected to output_file .

  11. 以下的例子展示了如何编写一个简单的处理程序,将传入的SOAP消息的细节记录到标准输出。

    The example below shows how to write a simple handler to log details of the incoming SOAP message to standard output .

  12. 默认情况下,find在标准输出设备(stdout,通常是您的终端窗口)上打印结果。

    By default , find prints results on the standard output device ( stdout ), which is usually your terminal window .

  13. Shell操作符,如(管道)或>(重定向标准输出),是连词&用于连接句子。

    A shell operator , such as | ( pipe ) or > ( redirect standard output ), is a conjunction & a connector to link clauses .

  14. tarcf-.对当前目录中的文件创建一个新的存档,输出到标准输出。

    Tar cf - . creates a new archive , to standard output , of the files in the current directory .

  15. 您可以将PHP中的相同通道分别用于输入、标准输出和输出到错误通道。

    You can use the same channels in PHP for input , standard output , and output to the error channel , respectively .

  16. 由于只有一个步骤,其结果被存放在整个管道的结果端口上,该端口通常会将XML文档输出到标准输出。

    With only a single step , its results are placed onto the result port for the entire pipeline , which ( incidentally ) typically outputs the XML document to standard output .

  17. 现在,在这两个系统对ps的不同操作方式的限制下,您获得了ps产生的标准输出。

    Now , within the limitations of the way the two systems operate with respect to ps , you have a standard output from ps.

  18. 使用cat(concatenate的简写)命令显示文件在使用标准输出时的内容。

    Use the cat ( short for concatenate ) command to display the contents of a file on stdout .

  19. 真正DSL实现显然不会仅仅打印到标准输出流。

    A real DSL implementation would obviously do more than just print to the standard out stream .

  20. 这个示例C文件(test.c)是通过cat一个简单的应用程序实现的(也就是说,将标准输出的文本重定向到一个文件中)。

    The sample C file ( test . c ) is created by cat-ing a simple program into it ( that is , redirecting text from standard input into the file ) .

  21. 当发生EJB的生命周期事件(比如挂起)时,连接器就会将一条消息输出到标准输出上。

    When an EJB lifecycle event happens , such as passivation , the connector will now log a message to the standard output .

  22. stdout是标准输出流,显示来自命令的输出。

    Stdout is the standard output stream , which displays output from commands .

  23. 与PHP版本非常相似,然后我对命令的标准输出行列表中的项进行了迭代遍历。

    Much like the PHP version , I then iterate over the items in the list that are lines of the standard out of the command .

  24. 所有单独的stopwatch日志都被写入标准输出(请注意你的servlet容器可能把标准输出定向到磁盘的某个文件中)。

    All of the individual stop watch logs will be written to standard output ( note that your servlet container may pipe standard output to a file on disk ) .

  25. 这些返回的变量可发至标准输出(stdout)以便查阅。

    Those returned variables are emitted to standard output ( stdout ) for viewing .

  26. print指令发出标准输出(stdout)的参数,且concat实现字符串连接。

    The print instruction emits the argument to standard output ( stdout ), and concat implements string concatenation .

  27. 在UNIX和Linuxshell中,一个管道由“”符号表示,将程序的标准输出连接到另一个程序的标准输入。

    In UNIX and Linux shells , a pipe is represented by the " | " symbol and connects the standard output of one command to the standard input of another .

  28. 为了便于讲解,使用ABAPwrite语句把这个内部表的内容输出到标准输出设备。

    For the purpose of illustration the contents of this internal table are printed to the standard output device using an ABAP write statement .

  29. “-”指定tar应该使用标准输出(在写时)或标准输入(在读时)。

    The " - " in each case specifies that tar should use the standard output ( when writing ) or standard input ( when reading ) .

  30. 在前面的输出中,tar从当前目录创建存档,包括修改时间/权限;tar把存档发送到标准输出。

    In the previous output , tar creates the archives with the modifications times / permissions from the current directory ; tar archives this to standard output .