
  • 网络standards;standard concentration
  1. 作比较,零表示标准浓度。

    Where the naught refers now to the standard concentration .

  2. 基于指数标度法的大气污染物标准浓度限值

    Limit values of standard concentration of atmospheric pollutants based on exponential scale

  3. 道路两侧TSP中铅污染并未超出国家标准浓度限值,四个监测点年平均值0.383μg。

    TSP roads on both sides of lead pollution limits are not exceeded national standards , four monitoring points , the average 0.383 μ g.

  4. 大气监测结果表明,矸石山周围大气中CO与SO2的浓度超标现象严重,尤其是矸石山上SO2的浓度可达到数十mg/m~3,超过国家大气质量三级标准浓度限值数十倍。

    The contamination monitor shows that the density of CO and SO_2 in the atmosphere around the gangue mountain has seriously beyond several ten times of Grade-3 standard density limit of national atmosphere quality .

  5. 用12只偶氮染料和13只蒽醌染料染成1/1标准浓度的PLA织物.其光褪色机理和影响因素与聚酯纤维和醋酸纤维相同,但褪色速度较快,耐晒牢度要差1-2级;

    When PLA fabrics of 1 / 1 Standard depth were dyed with 12 azo dyes and 13 anthraquinone dyes , their fading mechanism was the same as that of polyester and acetate fibers , but fading was considerably faster and lightfastness was 1-2 levels lower .

  6. 通过这种方法测得的气体浓度,与标准浓度基本吻合。

    The gas concentration gained by this way is basically coincident with the standards .

  7. 本法在标准浓度为0.01&0.1mg/mL范围内,线性良好,相关系数大于0.995,该方法适合日常检测。

    The linear range is 0.01 & 0.1mg/mL with RSD > 0.995.It is suitable for daily testing .

  8. 中村清淡却又恰到好处的洋蓟炖菜,配上标准浓度的洋蓟白汁和一只肥美的水煮牡蛎,会让所有人震惊,除了那些害怕味道协调、口感丰富的人。

    His lean and precise artichoke barigoule , rounded out with a classically thick artichoke velout é and a fat poached oyster , won 't scare anybody except those who fear harmonious flavors and luxurious textures .

  9. 维生素C标准溶液浓度的分光光度标定法

    The Spectrophotometric Determination of the Concentration of Vitamin C Standard Solution

  10. 大气CO2标准气浓度标定及采样瓶CO2浓度分析系统

    Study of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Calibration and Flask Sample Analysis System

  11. 用MTT法描绘标准细胞浓度-OD值曲线。

    MTT Assay was used to draw the standard cell amount-OD curve .

  12. 随着PMMA标准微粒浓度的增加,表观截留率略有增加。

    Along with the concentration of PMMA standard paniculate increased , apparent cutting rate increased a little .

  13. 对与标准相同浓度脑组织的PBS悬液和样品稀释缓冲液(SDB)悬液用试剂盒进行检测;

    PBS suspension and sample dilution buffer ( SDB ) suspension of bovine brain tissue with the same concentration of the standard were detected .

  14. 以6个不同类型水稻品种为供试材料,在结实期进行两种水培营养液浓度(标准Espino浓度和1/2Espino浓度营养液)处理,研究营养液浓度对稻米品质的影响。

    Six rice cultivars were grown in nutrient solution and treated with two kinds of concentrations ( the standard and 1 / 2 Espino prescription ) of the solution during the grain filling period .

  15. 结果:方法的检出限为0.3μg/ml,当标准溶液浓度为1~20μg/ml时,相对标准偏差为5.0%~1.4%,相关系数为0.9999。

    Results : The detectable limit was 0.3 μ g / ml.

  16. 溶剂挥发对标准溶液浓度的影响

    Influence of the solvent volatilization on the standard solution concentration

  17. 氢氧化钠标准溶液浓度不确定度的评定

    Evaluation of the uncertainty for the concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution

  18. 在试剂纯度、仪器精度符合规定时,氢氧化钠标准溶液浓度的相对扩展不确定度为0.14%。

    When the reagent and the apparatus were conformed to the request , the related expanded uncertainty was 0.14 % .

  19. 酒精含量在标准酒精浓度以下的以质量标注净含量商品测量结果不确定度评定(称重法)

    Underproof adj . Evaluation of Uncertainty for Measurement Results of Net Quantity of Products Marked in Quality ( Weighing Method )

  20. 本文着重对分析测试中标准溶液浓度的选择、配制方法以及取样方式等细节问题提出了自己的见解。

    The article put forwards the opin - ions on the selection of standard solution concentration , compound method and sample mode .

  21. 提出了选择标准溶液浓度、被测溶液体积和每次标准加入体积的选择原则。

    The paper also presented selecting principles of standard solution concentration selection , the volume of the solution tested and the standard adding volume each time .

  22. 分析了以草酸钠为基准物标定高锰酸钾标准溶液浓度的反应原理,标定操作及温度、酸度、滴定速度等滴定条件对标定结果的影响。

    This paper discusses the reaction principle and titrimetric operation in defining consistency of potassium permanganate titrant which sodium oxalate is regarded as the basis material .

  23. 在接近土壤环境质量标准低浓度设计范围内,灯心草三种保护酶有逐渐被激活的趋势,表现出一定的协调性共同抵制重金属的毒害。

    It presented that three defensive enzymes have strong automatic regulation ability to protect cell membrane from destroy within lower concentration scale of Environmental Quality Standard for Soil .

  24. 结果:5种多不饱和脂肪酸及角鲨烯的标准溶液浓度在0.025~0.40mg/ml范围内线性关系良好,相关系数r>0.9990;

    Results : The calibration curves were linear within the ranges of 0.025 ~ 0.40 mg / ml for all standard solution , relative coefficient was over 0.9990 ;

  25. 在阶调复制上,液体油墨能再现2%-4%的亮调网点面积,相对反差能达到胶印的质量标准,浓度对印刷实地密度影响的总体趋势是油墨浓度增大,实地密度提高。

    In tone reproduction , the liquid ink can reproduce 2 % 4 % dot area , and relative to the contrast value can be up to offset quality standards .

  26. 分析了测量重复性、滴定管、标准溶液浓度等因素对氯化物含量测量不确定度的影响。

    The influence of the factors on the uncertainty of measurement for the determination of chloride content were analyzed , including repeatability of measurement results , burette , the concentration of standard solution , etc.

  27. 通过对测量重复性、滴定管、移液管、标准溶液浓度等影响测量结果的不确定度分量的分析和量化,求得水中高锰酸盐指数测定结果的相对合成标准不确定度为1.10×10-2。

    By analyzing and quantifying the uncertainty components of the measurement results , including repeatability of measurement results , burette , suction pipe , the concentration of standard solution , etc. , the related combined standard uncertainty is 1.10 × 10 - 2 .

  28. 严格控制实验条件如样品分解、溶液酸度、标准溶液浓度、滴定速度等把碘量法用于测定粗铜矿中的铜含量,得到了满意的分析结果。

    Strictly controlling the experimental conditions such as sample decomposition , solution acidity , the concentration of standard solution and titration speed etc , satisfactory analytical results are obtained in the application of thiosulfate-iodometric method for the determination of copper content in coarse copper-ore.

  29. 通过对不确定度的评估发现,本方法的不确定度主要来源于标准溶液浓度和样品加标回收率的重复性,因此在检测过程中这两个环节需引起重视。

    It was found in the evaluation of uncertainty that the uncertainty of this method mainly came from the concentration of standard solution and the repeatability of standard added recovery . Thus we should pay attention to the two steps in the process of detection .

  30. 将合成校准光谱和实验测得的光谱进行非线性最小二乘拟合,得到了不同温度下标准气体CO浓度。

    With the nonlinear least squares fit between measured spectra and calibration spectra , standard gas concentrations of CO at different temperatures are obtained .