
  • 网络standard family
  1. 研究结果表明,高中生的标准家庭印象良好,普通高中生的家庭动力关系平衡,男女生的标准家庭印象无差异。

    The results indicate that the standard family image of them is very well , and there are no difference between boys ' and girls ' .

  2. 布林说:多尔、基腾和我组成的不是一个标准家庭,但我们每个人都再正常不过了。

    Brynn says : ' Doll , Kitten and I may not be the norm but we are perfectly normal .

  3. 它不但否定了古往今来中国人公认的有妻有子的标准家庭观念,也否定了养儿防老、传宗接代的传统生育观念。

    It overthrows not only the recognized Chinese traditional concept of standard families-having a wife and children , but also the traditional view of raising children to support parents in later life and continuing the family line .

  4. 布林说:“多尔、基腾和我组成的不是一个标准家庭,但我们每个人都再正常不过了。我们单纯相爱,我们努力过上对我们来说最幸福的生活,我们应得法律赋予的一切权利。”

    Brynn says : ' Doll , Kitten and I may not be the norm but we are perfectly normal . We are simply people trying to live the life that we feel is best for us and we deserve the rights afforded to others . '

  5. 一个是AppleTV机顶盒,价格229美元,放在我的客厅里,通过一个标准的家庭影院系统播放数字音频和视频。

    One is an Apple TV , a $ 229 set-top box in my living room that plays digital audio and video through a standard home-theater system .

  6. 家庭收入仅占国内生产总值(gdp)的60%,远低于国际标准;家庭储蓄占可支配收入的30%,这一比例则偏高。

    Household income at 60 per cent of gross domestic product is way below international norms and household saving at 30 per cent of disposable income is high .

  7. 参照CEBus标准的家庭网络系统研究与实现

    Study and implement of a home network reference to CEBus

  8. 对今天的女人来说,“标准的家庭主妇”是一种可怜的维护自尊的方式。

    For women today being " just a housewife " is a poor means of maintain self-esteem .

  9. 本文利用苏南农村调查资料,探讨了富裕农村社区贫困问题,包括测量标准和家庭特征两方面内容。

    This Paper , based onthe survey of the poverty problem in the rural areas in southern Jiangsu , explores the poverty problem in wealthy rural areas , including poverty standard and the characteristics Of the poverty-stricken families .

  10. 我国在1979年以来实行了计划生育基本国策,经过三十年的时间,独生子女家庭大量增加,两代户、三口之家的标准核心家庭模式成为中国最典型的家庭类型。

    Since the family planning policy is carried out in 1979 , the number of one-child families has increased enormously , and during the past three decades , the nuclear family of " two generation & three people " become the most typical family pattern .

  11. 导致这些问题的原因有社会及教育未给予消费决策的标准;家庭氛围潜移默化的影响;学生同辈之间的相互作用。最后,分析了高中生文化消费决策素养培养应坚持的原则和实施方略。

    The result is caused by the society and education not give the consumer decision-making standards , the subtle influence of family atmosphere , Students peers interactions . Finally , this paper analyzes the consumer decision-making literacy cultivation high school culture should follow the principles and implementation strategy .

  12. 他们是有高道德标准的新教徒家庭。

    They were Chapel families , with high ethical standards .

  13. 介绍了日本女性选购化妆品的标准及日本家庭化妆品消费支出情况。

    Also the standards for choosing cosmetics by women and the consumer of cosmetics were counted .

  14. 他们同样犯很多错误,尤其是来自一个说不标准英语的家庭的人。

    Native speakers make a lot of grammar mistakes , especially if they come from a home where nonstandard English is spoken .

  15. 人均住房面积标准比每户家庭的住房套数标准更精确,更合理。

    The standard by local average living space per capita is more accurate and reasonable than that by housing suite per family .

  16. 在英国,贫困家庭的官方标准是,家庭收入低于英国家庭收入中值的60%。

    In Britain a poor household is officially defined as one with an income less than 60 per cent of the median .

  17. 家庭是自由的测试标准,因为家庭是唯一自由人为自己造就的东西。

    The family is the test of freedom because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself .

  18. 此外,政府可以设置更高的水资源利用标准,推广家庭节水器具的使用,例如节水型龙头和洗衣机。

    Moreover , the government can set up higher water-efficiency standards and promote the use of water-efficient home appliances , such as taps and washing machines .

  19. 对于在调查范围内的所有6个亚洲城市或城郊地区,小组随机选择多个城市群落开展了标准化的家庭调查、邻里背景调查和昆虫学调查。

    In each of six Asian cities or periurban areas , a team randomly selected urban clusters for conducting standardized household surveys , neighbourhood background surveys and entomological surveys .

  20. 虽然该活动强调家庭内部和谐、家庭与社会和谐、家庭与自然和谐,但有些居民实在搞不懂这27项标准到底与家庭和谐有什么关系。

    The new campaign stresses the harmony between family members , the family and society , and the family and nature . However , some residents can not figure out what the listed 27 criteria have to do with being a harmonious family .

  21. 你只是一个中产阶级,你是标准的城郊家庭,你并没有赚到令人眼红的钱,所以你付不起高的离谱的学费,你懂的。

    GIOVANNIELLO : When you are in the middle class , you are a normal suburban family , you just don 't make an outrageous amount of money , so you can 't pay for these outrageous prices for tuition , you know .

  22. 虽然该活动强调家庭内部和谐、家庭与社会和谐、家庭与自然和谐,但有些居民实在搞不懂这27项标准到底与家庭“和谐”有什么关系。

    The new campaign stresses the harmony between family members , the family and society , and the family and nature . However , some residents can not figure out what the listed 27 criteria have to do with being a " harmonious " family .

  23. 方法采用回顾评论法,讨论预防问题行为的原则和干预的评价标准,分析有效家庭干预的途径以及社区-学校协作干预的GTO法。

    Methods Using a review-of-review approach , general preventive principles and evaluative criteria of problem behavior were discussed ;

  24. 建设标准化个人、家庭和社区健康档案;

    Establishing standardized health records of individual , family and community ;

  25. 当然,以国际标准衡量,中国家庭储蓄比例较高。

    Certainly , Chinese household savings are high by international standards .

  26. 从住区的可持续发展看我国城市住宅面积标准和小汽车进入家庭

    Living Space Standard of Chinese Urban Flat and Family Car in Living Community

  27. 廉租住房是我国政府以相对低廉的租金向符合城市最低收入标准的住房困难家庭提供的,以满足居住需求为目的的公共住房。

    Low-rent housing is provided by the Government to low-income families with housing problems .

  28. 标准考试成绩与家庭收入相关;

    Standardized test scores correlate with family income ;

  29. 充分及真正普遍地实施国际法律文件中所阐述的标准是世界大家庭面临的艰巨任务。禁止酷刑是世界性难题。

    It is a difficult task for the international society to implement the standards expounded in the international legal documents although avoiding cruel and unusual punishment is a worldwide issue .

  30. 本文正是想在教育改革如火如荼的进行过程中,结合新课程标准,对初中家庭小实验教学的过程进行系统地分析与研究。

    In this paper , based on the new curriculum criterion , systematically analysis and researches on the process of family small experiment teaching in the middle school is carried out .