
  • 网络Standard direction;standard orientation;Standard Orient;classic direction
  1. 这就是“智能方向盘”,专为大多数标准方向盘设计。

    It 's called Smart Wheel , and it 's designed to fit over the steering wheel of most standard vehicles

  2. 颜色管理系统(CMS)的任务就是为了实现这一目的,随着颜色管理系统日益发展,颜色管理已经向着标准化方向发展。

    The task of the Color Management System ( CMS ) is to realize the aim . With the development of CMS , Color Management has been developed to the level of standardization .

  3. 支持度的计算采用了标准化方向梯度强度和的形式。

    The ES is calculated by normalizing the summation of orientation gradient .

  4. 我国摩托车排放情况及排放标准发展方向

    China Motorcycle Exhaust Emission Condition and Emission Standards ′ Development

  5. GB/T4205-1984控制电气设备的操作件标准运动方向

    Standard directions of movement for actuators which control the operation of electrical apparatus

  6. 即商事司法和商事立法体制架构乃至具体发展或许会缺少明确的标准和方向。

    Commercial legislation , Judicial trial and development may lack of clear standards and directions .

  7. 有了这两个标准作为方向,来自其它语言的许多特性就不那么适合了。

    With these two criteria to steer them , many features from other languages have not made it in .

  8. 以及我国近期将开展的电子商务领域的标准集中方向。

    As well as my recent e-commerce to be carried out to focus the direction of the field of standards .

  9. 因此,杂交水稻制种将朝着基地规模化、操作机械化、技术标准化方向发展。

    Therefore , Hybrid Rice Seed Production Towards the base of the large-scale , mechanized operation , technical standardization direction .

  10. 它有向结构复杂和功能完善方向发展的趋势,这要求分布式实时控制系统设计将向着标准化方向迈进。

    It has trend to complicated of structure and perfected its function , which requires distributed real-time control system to design with standardization .

  11. 介绍了组件软件技术的基本思想及其代码重用的优越性和构建大型应用的灵活性,并编制了故障计算实用组件。组件对象模型是电力系统应用软件的标准化方向。

    The essence of component software technique , its advantages in reusing code and flexibility in constituting complicated system are introduced in this paper .

  12. 运用机械和电气知识来维护注射成型设备。GB/T4205-1984控制电气设备的操作件标准运动方向

    Maintain the injection molding equipment with mechanical / electrical functions . Standard directions of movement for actuators which control the operation of electrical apparatus

  13. 考虑到落地桶鼓是在标准垂直方向上:如用木地板,当鼓手击鼓,下面的鼓皮也要跟随着震动。

    Consider a floor tom mounted in a standard vertical orientation : With a hardwood floor , when the player hits the drum the bottom head vibrates sympathetically .

  14. 食品微生物检验技术水平从传统方法的培养水平向新方法的分子水平迈进,并向仪器化、自动化、标准化方向发展,这是微生物检验技术发展的新趋势。

    It is the new trend in technology developing for food microbe testing , striding forward molecule level base on incubation level with developing apparatus , automatization and standardization .

  15. 随着多波束测深技术的不断变革,新型的多波束测深系统向着小型化、多功能、高精度、高集成、综合化和标准化方向发展。

    With the constant revolution of multibeam echo sounding techniques , researches of modern multibeam swath bathymeters are developing in the directions of miniaturization , multi-function , high-precision , high-integration and standardization .

  16. 以太网技术的应用,可使闸门自动化系统向共享化、低成本、开放性、标准化方向发展,在水利现代化建设过程中,具有极好的推广价值。

    Ethernet technology allows the sharing of gate automation systems , and low-cost , open , standardized way , in the process of modernization of water and has an excellent promotional value .

  17. 随着计算机、微电子、自动控制等技术的发展,作为信息技术的重要手段,数据采集技术正在向集成化、数字化、标准化方向发展。

    With the improvements on computer science and microelectronics , the data acquisition devices , as the most important method being used in information technology , were developed towards integration , digitalization and standardization .

  18. 本文的研究能够降低设计人员的工作量,提高建筑物变配电工程的设计效率和设计质量,促进变配电设计技术向智能化和标准化方向的发展。

    This study can reduce the workload , improve design efficiency and quality of building power transformer and distribution design , promotes the building power transformer and distribution technology to the direction of intelligent and standardization .

  19. 最后总结了本文的研究成果,展望了多对称对比分析、不对称、对称创新设计、对称度评价标准等方向上的研究前景。

    Finally , there is a summarization of this paper , and some prospects are proposed , such as comparative analysis of symmetry , asymmetry , innovative design with symmetry and the evaluation of symmetry degree .

  20. 近年来四川泡菜产业发展迅速,规模不断扩大,产量不断增加,传统的作坊式生产也逐渐向机械化、规模化、多元化、标准化方向发展。

    The industry of Sichuan pickles has been in a rapid development in recent years : the industrial scale keeps expanding and the output continues to increase , the traditional cottages gradually develop into mechanized , large-scale , diversified , standardized direction .

  21. 企业内部的提倡者同时也必须在内部出售SOA构想,然后向基于标准规范的方向前进。

    Advocates within the enterprise also must sell the SOA vision internally and move toward a standards-based direction .

  22. 最后指出不断完善的OPC技术代表了过程控制系统通信标准的发展方向。

    It is pointed out that OPC technology will be the direction of the development of communication standard for process control .

  23. 船舶CAD技术正向集成化、智能化、并行化、网络化、虚拟化和标准化的方向发展,已使船舶设计工作和流程达到了高度的自动化。

    Nowadays technique of ship CAD is developing toward collaboration , intelligence , parallel , network , virtualization and standardization , which makes the process of ship structural design achieve a high degree of automation .

  24. 随着开放性的增加,特别是采用网络化的IEC61850标准成为发展方向时,网络的安全问题越来越突出。

    With increasing openness , especially IEC 61850 involving network communications being development trends , network security will be more and more critical .

  25. 正义实际上不是虚玄的事物,它也像法和道德一样,是为社会生活提供标准和指明方向的规范,不过不是普通的规范,而是高层次伦理规范。

    But it is not common codes but a high-level codes of ethics .

  26. 同时对该标准的修订方向提出了建议,并对修订后标准的水平进行了预测性分析。

    Meanwhile , some suggestions are put forward about the revision direction to the standard , together with the predictive analysis of revised standard level .

  27. 民事证明标准的改革方向应为法律真实下的高度盖然性,但在实际操作中仍要遵循相关的适用规则。

    The author also makes an analysis on the standards of objective authenticity , legal authenticity and substantial authenticity under value orientations in litigant practice .

  28. 最后根据目前存在的问题,提出了研究汽轮发电机组振动标准的今后方向和任务。

    Finally , in view of the problems existing at the present stage , the paper suggests the direction of the future study on this subject , and the tasks to be performed .

  29. 可专利主题标准在水平方向上确定了可专利主题的范围;而实质条件则在纵深方向将创新程度较低的技术方案排除在专利法保护的范围之外。

    Patentable subject matter standards defined the scope of patentable subject matter in the horizontal direction ; but the real conditions exclude the less innovative technical programs from the scope of patent law protection the in the depth direction .

  30. 在对化油器优化的同时进行二次补气和催化转化是一种成本低、见效快的达标方案,而电控燃油喷射与三元催化净化则是满足欧Ⅲ及未来更严格排放标准的必然方向。

    Realizing the secondary gulping and catalytic conversion while optimizing the carburetor is of low cost and effective , and the principle of electronic-controlled carburetor and the three-way catalytic control is the inevitable direction of meeting EURO ⅲ in the future .