
Research of the Intrinsic Film in the Amorphous Silicon Film Solar cell
Technical Development Status and Trends of Amorphous Silicon Thin-film Solar Cell and Production Equipment
Flexible thin film a-Si solar cells have been the research focus due to the advantages of low cost and flexible .
Research done in this paper has a positive significance in the application of high doped poly-silicon substrate in the manufacturing of low-cost solar cells .
In this paper , ZnO : Al thin film was used as buffer layer and front electrode in flexible thin film a-Si solar cells . The preparation process of ZnO : Al was studied , and the optimized process conditions were obtained .
The a-Si ( Amorphous Silicon ) thin film solar cells , with the advantage of short energy recovery period , simple manufactural process , inexpensive cost , good performance at high temperature and deposition on the flexible substrate , have been commercially produced and used in daily life .
Main types of solar cells are : silicon solar cells , amorphous silicon solar cells , thin film solar cells , dye-sensitized solar cells .