- Standard Room;Superior;Standard Twin

Would you prefer a standard room or a deluxe room , sir ?
The hotel has sweet elegant big bed room , standard room , business suite room .
We have standard , superior , deluxe , executive rooms .
Yes , please . I 'd like to have a TWB room tonight .
Would you like me to get in touch with somewhere else for you ?
Our hotel has a total of200 guest rooms including single rooms , standard rooms , suites and deluxe suites .
Three of the rooms in the hotel are designated'prototype rooms , 'and students can try their hand at designing them .
China Garden Hotel has168 suite and standard rooms , which are big , comfortable , furnished with European furniture and well decorated .
Travellers can get a taste of the fairytale from as little as & # 163 ; 95 per night for a standard room .
What kind of room would you like ? We have standard rooms , Deluxe rooms , Executive rooms , Executive suites , and so on .
In the investigation of the structure of the real estate market , this paper selects the real estate market concentration as the standard of research .
We would indicate the basic standards and principles to promote the sound development of the real estate industry in accordance with the reality of the current real estate tax system .
Using the diagnostic criteria was Pdisp ≥ 40ms , the sensitivity was 80 % , the specificity was 84.1 % ;
The requirement of building energy saving standard on the design of boiler house
Moreover , it 's high temperature stability up to200C ( 400F ) means it can be safely used in all conventional paint shop ovens for weeks at a time .
The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths
All rooms are equipped with private bathroom and shower room , 24-hour hot water including dormitory .
The standard of house relocation compensation and the price of newly-built commodity apartment relate to society 's long-term peace and the general common people 's basic interest , so they are the focus which various aspects pay attention to .
Combining features of tobacco area in Gansu Province , it is suggested that the lower leaves will be baked by small normal standardized barn , and the middle by universal change bulk or new bulk curing barn , the upper leaves by new bulk curing barn .
The main research ideas and research results are : 1 . In defining the definition of real estate market performance and the measurement standards of market performance , In the part of the real estate market performance , we are main analyzing the profit of the real estate .