
  • 网络Color fastness to Perspiration
  1. 进料应根据国家标准或客户要求测试纤维含量、丝光含量、甲醛含量以及耐摩擦牢度、耐汗渍色牢度、耐水洗色牢度;

    According to the national standards or customer ′ s requirements , experiments should be done to the raw material including the content of fiber , content of mercerized fiber , content of formaldehyde , color fastness to rubbing , color fastness to perspiration and color fastness to washing .

  2. GB/T3922-1995纺织品耐汗渍色牢度试验方法

    Textiles & Testing method for colour fastness to perspiration

  3. 用于各类纺织品耐汗渍色牢度、颜色耐水、耐海水浸渍能力的试验。

    Used for testing the fastness to perspiration 、 to water and to sea water of all kinds of textiles .

  4. 用湿摩擦牢度提升剂ZQ-W处理活性染料染色棉织物,讨论了ZQ-W处理对染色织物的干湿摩擦牢度、皂洗牢度、耐氯水牢度、耐水牢度、耐光牢度和耐汗渍牢度等色牢度的影响。

    The wet crock fastness improver was used to treat the cotton fabrics dyed with reactive dyes , and its effect on the dry and wet crock fastness es , soaping fastness , color fastnesses to chlorinated water , to water , to light and to perspiration was studied .