
  • 网络drought tolerant crop
  1. WolframSchlenker:“如果你对粮食价格上涨担忧,那么最好是进行一些耐热甚至是耐旱作物的育种研究。”

    WOLFRAM SCHLENKER : " If you are worried about rising food prices , it might be good to funnel some research into breeding for heat tolerance and maybe even drought tolerance . "

  2. 随着近现代遗传学和分子生物学的发展,采用基因工程培育优良的耐旱作物势在必行。

    With the development of modern genetics and molecular biology , breeding drought-tolerant crops using genetic engineering is imperative .

  3. 国际社会必须帮助苏丹开发新的技术,例如转基因耐旱作物或者新型灌溉技术。

    The international community must help Sudan develop new technologies such as genetically engineered drought-tolerant crops or new irrigation techniques .

  4. 当然,同时也必须开发耐旱作物和建设基础设施,从而让新鲜粮食进入市场。

    Of course , drought-tolerant crops and the infrastructure to get fresh food to markets must be developed in parallel .

  5. 而根的长度是根型的主要参数,对于养分的吸收,耐旱和作物的产量都有重要的作用。

    The root length is main parameter of root architecture with various important functions such as nutrient uptake , drought tolerance and yield .

  6. 结果表明:耐旱性强的作物体内游离脯氨酸高,同一作物随生长发育的进程,游离脯氨酸含量逐渐降低,同日内最小值在早晨6:30左右。

    The stronger its drought resistance was ; free proline content was gradually reduced with crop growth process ; the content is the lowest value at 6:30 in the morning .

  7. 应用分子遗传学方法研究作物耐旱机制并通过基因工程培育耐旱作物品种已成为现代农业研究的重要目标。

    Using molecular genetics and genetic engineering to obtain the drought-tolerant crops has been one of the most important goals in modern agriculture .