
  • 网络hot-wet
  1. 结果表明,所研制的胶黏剂具有良好的耐湿热老化和耐介质性能,该胶黏剂同时具有胶接强度高和固化工艺方便的优点。

    The adhesive had good hot-wet resistance and anti-medium performance .

  2. 本文研究了ABS塑料片材和冷却塔部件的耐湿热老化性能。

    The property of ABS sheet and cooling tower parts with damp & heat aging has been studied .

  3. 黄麻PHBV复合材料的耐湿热性能研究

    Study on Hydrothermal Properties of Jute / PHBV Composites

  4. 研究了CNTs的用量对复合材料静态力学性能、动态力学性能及耐湿热老化性能的影响。

    The effects of CNTs content on the static mechanical property , dynamic mechanical property and thermal aging properties of the composites were also investigated through changing the amount of CNTs .

  5. 同时,SEN、XRD表征测试结果表明,催化剂的表面形貌和骨架晶格结构在热处理和水热处理前后没有发生大的变化,这是催化剂耐湿热稳定性好的根本原因。

    The results of SEM and XRD showed that the good hydrothermal stability of Ag-SAPO-34 catalyst is due to its surface and crystalline structure still unchanged after being thermal treated under high temperature .

  6. 同时,它具有无毒、零VOC、耐湿热性和耐水性优良,对人体及环境无危害等特性。

    Meanwhile , the coating also had excellent physical-chemical properties , such as nonpoisonous , no VOC , water-resistance , hot-resistance and no harm to human or environment .

  7. 以不同的SAPO分子筛为载体的催化剂在NO选择性还原为N2反应中的催化性能也不同,并且耐湿热稳定性也不同。

    The catalytic properties in selective reduction of NO and hydrothermal stability of the catalysts , which were prepared by using SAPO 34 and SAPO 5 as supports , were different .

  8. 该胶可在中温(120℃),0.5h固化,具有优良的剪切强度和韧性以及良好的耐湿热、耐介质性能。

    This adhesive can be cured at mediate temperature ( 120 ℃ ) within 0.5 h and has high bonding strengths , toughness and good hot / wet durable properties .

  9. 为了改善Kevlar缝线缝合复合材料的耐湿热性能,采用化学接枝烯丙基的方法对Kevlar缝合线进行表面改性处理。

    To improve the properties of durability towards combined moisture and temperature attack of stitched composites with Kevlar thread , the surface of Kevlar stitch thread was modified using the metalation and grafting Allyl group .

  10. 提出以经过热水老化后的ABS塑料湿态试样的拉伸及冲击强度性能项目来评判它的耐湿热老化性能,确定了试验条件和性能合格指标,已采用在有关的专业标准之中。

    It is suggested that the tensile strength and impact strength of wet ABS sample through hot water aging may be used to judge its damp & heat aging properties . The test condition and qualified target has been determined and be used in related specialized standard .

  11. 无铅封装中镀覆层对PBGA耐湿热可靠性的影响双层卷焊钢管热浸镀铅锡合金工艺与设备

    Reliability analysis of PBGA devices with different finishes under hygrothermal environment in lead-free electronics package The Technology and Equiment of Hot Dip Plating Pb Sn Alloy on a Double Wall Brazed Tube

  12. 耐湿热性实验表明,复合材料经100h水煮后吸水率仅有2.35%,层间剪切强度下降21.9%。

    The moist heat resistance testing shows that the water absorption being only ( 2.35 % ) and ILSS decreasing by 21.9 % after boiling for 100h .

  13. 单向复合材料经95℃蒸馏水浸泡150h后的平衡吸湿率低于1%、力学性能保留率高,耐湿热性能优良。

    When being immersed in the distilled water at 95 ℃ for 150h , equilibrium moisture content of the composite is lower than 1 % and the mechanical properties retention is high . So it is proved to process excellent interfacial property and hydrothermal stability for the composite .

  14. 在促进剂作用下,可以在125℃右固化环氧树脂,固化后的浇铸体有良好的力学性能和耐湿热性。

    The cured resin had good mechanical properties and moisture resistance .

  15. 硅烷偶联剂对氯丁&酚醛单液胶粘剂耐湿热性能影响

    Effect of Silane Coupling Agents on the Heat-humidity Resistance of Polychloroprene-Phenolic Adhesive

  16. 建筑结构胶耐湿热老化性能测试方法研究

    Test methods about hygrothermal ageing resistance of building structural adhesives

  17. 涤纶工业长丝耐湿热性能的研究

    Wet heat resistant property of polyester industrial filament yarn

  18. 雷达天线罩的耐湿热性工艺设计

    Technology Design of Radar Radome Heat / Humidity-proofness

  19. 室外钢结构防火涂料的耐湿热性能研究

    Study on Moisture and Heat Resistance of Fire Retardant Coatings for Exterior Steel Structures

  20. 改性双马树脂/碳纤维复合材料体系耐湿热性能研究

    Study on the hydrothermal properties of a modified bismaleimide resin / carbon fiber composite

  21. 耐湿热环氧树脂的研究

    Study on Wet and Heat Resistant Epoxy Resin

  22. T300/QY9512复合材料的耐湿热性能

    Hygrothermal Properties of T300 / QY9512 Composites

  23. 曾对此套作了耐候、耐湿热、耐盐雾、抑真菌、存放等性能实验。

    Moisture and temperature test , Salt spraying test , Fungus test and Storing test .

  24. ɑ-亚麻酸改性不饱和聚酯树脂耐湿热老化性能的研究

    Study of wet-hot aging performance of unsaturated polyester resin modified by ɑ - linolenic acid

  25. 复鞣剂对铬革耐湿热稳定性及物理-机械性能影响的研究

    Study on influence of retanning agents on the stability to wet heat and physical-mechanical properties of chrome leather

  26. α-亚麻酸改性的新型耐湿热树脂的研制

    Research and Development of a New Kind of Humidity & Heat Resistant Resin Modified with α - linolenic Acid

  27. 该胶体现出良好的耐碱性、耐湿热老化性能和较长的贮存期(室温一个月以上)。

    This adhesive showed good alkali resistance , heat-moisture aging resistance and long shelf life ( over one month ) .

  28. GB/T1765-1979测定耐湿热、耐盐雾、耐侯性(人工加速)的漆膜制备法

    " Method of producing of paint films for testing heat and humidity resistance , salt-fog resistance and accelerated weathering "

  29. 硫酸化蓖麻油、亚硫酸化蓖麻油与硫酸化鱼油会大大降低无铬鞣革的耐湿热稳定性。

    While sulfated caster oil , sulfited caster oil and sulfated fish oil could dramatically reduced hydrothermal stability of chrome-free tanned leather .

  30. 提高芳纶及其与X4502基体体系界面的耐湿热性研究

    Research of increasing moisture thermo resistant properties of the aramid fiber and the interface of the aramid fiber / x 4502 resin system