
nài lì
  • endurance;stamina;tolerance;staying power;endurance stamina
耐力 [nài lì]
  • [endurance stamina;staying power] 忍耐或耐久的能力

耐力[nài lì]
  1. 这次聚会结果成了一次耐力测试,而不是一件乐事。

    The party turned out to be more of an endurance test than a pleasure .

  2. 过去,他表现出来的惊人耐力常让朋友们大吃一惊。

    He used to astound his friends with feats of physical endurance .

  3. 跑马拉松需要很大的耐力。

    It takes a lot of stamina to run a marathon .

  4. 那次长距离爬山是对我们健康状况和耐力的考验。

    The long climb tested our fitness and stamina .

  5. 马拉松赛跑是对耐力的严峻考验。

    The marathon is a severe test of stamina .

  6. 这种锻炼会明显改善体力,增加耐力。

    The exercise obviously will improve strength and endurance .

  7. 他是个有着超强耐力、精力充沛的人。

    He was a man of stupendous stamina and energy

  8. 这种新型的徒步旅行假日重在愉悦身心,而不是为了锻炼耐力。

    The new breed of walking holidays puts the emphasis on enjoyment , not endurance

  9. 缺乏耐力和毅力的人不可能成为出色的研究员。

    Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher .

  10. 最能够锻炼耐力的是那些需要一定体能、能让人呼吸稍感急促的活动。

    The best activities for stamina are fairly energetic ; they need to get you slightly out of breath .

  11. 忍受苦难需要耐力。

    It takes patience to endure hardship .

  12. 马拉松赛跑可以测试你的耐力。

    A marathon can test your endurance .

  13. 由那些耐力最好的运动员赢得长跑的胜利。

    Long-distance races are won by the runners with the greatest endurance .

  14. 我没有跑完全程的耐力。

    I lacked the stamina to run the whole length of the race .

  15. 有氧健身操有助于增强耐力。

    Aerobic exercise helps to build up stamina .

  16. 越野是一项户外耐力运动,能给参与者带来精神挑战和乐趣。

    Cross country is an outdoor endurance sport that can be mentally challenging and fun .

  17. 韦荣氏球菌属产生丙酸盐,这在某种程度上提升了耐力,至少对在跑步机上跑步的老鼠来说如此。

    Veillonella produces propionate , which somehow promotes endurance , at least in treadmill-trotting mice .

  18. 简而言之,外骨骼就是支撑、遮盖和保护使用者的外部设备,为其提供更高水平的力量和耐力。

    In simple terms , an exoskeleton is an external device that supports , covers and protects its user , giving greater levels of strength and endurance .

  19. 穴位离子导入对耐力训练大鼠心肌蛋白激酶C表达的影响

    Effects of Acupoints Iontophoresis on Endurance Training Rats ' Myocardium PKC Expression

  20. 有氧训练强度与G耐力的研究

    A study on aerobic training intensity and + G_z tolerance

  21. 小白鼠摄入VEVC对运动耐力提高的实验性探讨

    An experimental study on improving sport endurance of ve / vc intake of mice

  22. 结论(1)平行秋千摆动中迷走神经活动显著增强,反映迷走神经兴奋水平的HF应作为前庭耐力评价的重要指标。

    Conclusion The vagal nervous activity was markedly increased during swing .

  23. 歼击机部队须增添G耐力训练特制设备,制定科学的体能训练计划。

    It is recommended that the special equipment of G-tolerance training should be added to the fighter aircraft units .

  24. 但发表在《人类进化杂志》(JournalofHumanEvolution)上的研究结果显示,直到人类进化晚期,耐力奔跑才有可能成为一个因素。

    But the results , published in the Journal of Human Evolution , show that endurance running could not have been a factor until late in human evolution .

  25. 卧床期间受试者左侧大脑Ⅰ相面积、左侧主峰高度、左侧大脑血液流入速度均和立位耐力时间呈显著正相关(P<0.01或P<0.05)。

    Left cerebral ⅰ quadrant area , left cerebral Δ y wave crest height and left cerebral inrush velocity were positively correlated with orthostatic tolerance ( P < 0.01 or 0.05 ) .

  26. 提出EPO可作为耐力运动训练的评价预测指标;

    Showing that EPO as an index to evaluate and forecast resistance training ;

  27. 结果显示,肾脏AⅡ-R随性成熟而增长,耐力训练也可使其下调。

    Results show that A ⅱ R in kidney increase with the sexual maturity and Down Regulation of A ⅱ R is revealed after the endurance training .

  28. 为观察耐力训练对饮食性肥胖鼠胰岛素作用的影响,选用44只雄性离乳SD大鼠,36只饲以高脂饲料。

    This study was to clarify the effects of the effects of endurance training on insulin action in dietary obese rats .

  29. +Gz作用下心律失常的发生率高且影响+Gz耐力。

    The cardiac arrhythmias could affect + Gz tolerance .

  30. 耐力跑训练对CCO、LDH活性组织化学特性影响

    The Influence of Staminal Run Training on CCO 、 LDH Active Chemical Characters of Tissue