
róu rèn
  • Flexibility;pliant;pliable and tough
柔韧 [róu rèn]
  • [pliant] 柔软而坚韧

  • 用柔韧的材料

  • 细小柔韧的桦树随风摇曳

柔韧[róu rèn]
  1. 刍议柔韧素质对排球运动的影响

    On the Influence of Pliable and Tough Quality on Volleyball Sports

  2. 浅析网球运动的柔韧素质

    Study on the Pliable and Tough Character in Tennis Motion

  3. 按摩有助于使颏下松弛的皮肤柔韧起来。

    Massage will help to tone up loose skin under the chin .

  4. 这些编织精美的篮子是用柔韧的云杉嫩树根编成的。

    The finely twined baskets are made with young , pliable spruce roots .

  5. 最好的雕刻工具是锋利而柔韧的长刻刀。

    The best carving utensil is a long , sharp , flexible knife .

  6. 在用这一原型进行试验的过程中,Silver发现他可以通过在两层柔韧隔膜之间加入数量不等的硅油来调整镜子的镜片。

    While experimenting with his mirror prototypes , Silver found he could adjust the lens in the mirrors by varying the amount of silicone oil between two flexible membranes .

  7. PNF牵张法发展柔韧素质及预防运动损伤的研究

    Overview on the PNF to Develop Flexibility and Preventing Sport Injury

  8. 由于PEG具有柔韧的长链而不会对链端连接的反应中心的活性产生影响,因此该反应在均相体系中进行,不仅反应条件温和,产率良好,而且反应还具有良好的选择性。

    Due to the long and flexible chain of PEG , PEG supported substrates could maintain high reactivity so that the reactions involved could be carried out under mild conditions in good yields .

  9. 介绍了一种用于改性水性PU皮革涂饰液的丙烯酸酯共聚乳液,对水性PU的硬度和韧性进行调节改性,增加其柔韧和饱满度。

    The preparation of acrylic copolymer emulsion used for modification of aqueous polyurethane lacquer for leathers is introduced , which can improve hardness , soft tenacity and plentiful full degree of the waterborne polyurethane lacquer .

  10. 目前的液晶电视都需要内置额外的背光源,而4K电视可以借助OLED直接显示,所以它能更纤薄,更柔韧。

    And because such sets don 't require a separate built-in light source to illuminate the picture , as many of today 's flat panels do , OLED displays are much thinner and more flexible .

  11. 提高PEG链段长度和含量,PAn-g-PEG能形成稳定的水溶性分散体系,并能浇注成柔韧平整的导电高分子自支撑膜。

    A soft and smooth conducting polymeric film can be directly obtained by casting the stable aqueous dispersion of PAn-g-PEG , which becomes water-soluble when the PEG segments length or content are increased .

  12. 110m跨栏的专项体能结构由:专项速度、专项力量、专项柔韧、专项节奏和神经对肌肉的控制能力五个部分组成;

    The structure of the specialized physical power of excellent 110 meters hurdlers consists of specialized speed , specialized strength , specialized flexibility , specialized rhythm and nerves ' control of muscle ;

  13. 结论引入柔韧接头,优化构建表达UreB和HpaA的双价抗Hp活疫苗。UreB/HpaA双价活疫苗对Ⅱ级C57BL/6小鼠有更好的免疫保护作用。

    Conclusions Oral immunization of mice with bivalent UreB / HpaA live vaccine could induce protective immunity against H. pylori , and the protection rate of bivalent vaccine appears to be higher than that of monovalent vaccine .

  14. 柔韧扁锥壳在静载荷下的非线性振动

    Nonlinear vibration of flexible shallow conic shells subjected to static loads

  15. 使变硬或柔韧或有回弹力,尤其是通过加热。

    Made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment .

  16. 似皮革的或由似皮革的东西制成;坚韧的但是柔韧的。

    Resembling or made to resemble leather ; tough but pliable .

  17. 论武术专选学生的柔韧素质训练

    Studies on the Flexibility Training for Specializing in Wushu Routines Students

  18. 有些塑料遇热变得柔韧。

    Some kinds of plastic become pliable if they 're heated .

  19. 特别是四肢或者手指有异常柔韧的关节。

    Having unusually flexible joints especially of the limbs or fingers .

  20. 柔韧的膜片一扁平的悬臂校正弹簧相连。

    The flexible diaphragm is connected to a plat cantilever-calibrated spring .

  21. 快速敏捷的轻打(通常用柔韧物)。

    A light sharp contact ( usually with something flexible ) .

  22. 散打运动员柔韧素质训练及生理依据

    Pliability Quality and Physiological Foundation of the Training of Sanda Athletes

  23. 环氧树脂柔韧固化剂&链烯基琥珀酸酐的研究

    Study on alkenyl succinic anhydride - flexible curing agent for epoxy resin

  24. 游泳教学中的踝关节柔韧训练法

    Training Method for Ankle Joints ' Flexibility in Teaching Swimming

  25. 这就要求他们在社会交往中表现出柔韧的一面。

    This requires them show a flexibility side in the social contacts .

  26. 合成了一系列以不同长度柔韧链相连的p/p型单核锌双卟啉配合物。

    A series of zinc porphyrin dimers have been synthesized and characterized .

  27. 静载荷作用下柔韧圆板的大幅度振动

    Large Amplitude Vibration of Flexible Circular Plates under Static Load

  28. 他有柔韧的肌肉来卖力工作。

    Third , he had flexible flesh to work well .

  29. 结构柔韧的环氧树脂灌封隔热材料的研制及其应用

    Development and Application of a Tough Epoxy Potting Heat-insulating Material

  30. 而柔韧的拍子弯曲会大一些,因此能量的流失也会更多。

    A flexible racquet bends more , resulting in more energy loss .