
róu rùn
  • tender and smooth;soft and moist
柔润 [róu rùn]
  • [tender and smooth] 柔泽。柔和润泽

  • 皮肤柔润

柔润[róu rùn]
  1. 金思黛尔羊毛脂月见草柔肤油是一种柔润光滑的,用天然羊毛脂和矿物油调和而成的柔肤产品,它富含维生素E、月见草油和玫瑰果油。

    LANOLIN é Lanolin Oil is a silky smooth , blend of natural Lanolin oil and derivative oils , with the added benefit of Vitamin E , Evening Primrose Oil and Rose Hip Oil .

  2. 这些面向甜食爱好者的邻家店铺出售令人眼花缭乱的各种蛋糕(或称bolo)——它们柔润绵密,在你口中融化,还有一系列蛋挞、奶酪蛋糕、饼干、布朗尼、点缀水果的大蛋糕、果馅饼、奶油冻,以及浓浓的小杯咖啡cafezinho。

    These neighborhood temples to the sweet tooth offer a dizzying variety of cakes , or bolo -- moist and dense that melt in your mouth -- plus an array of tarts , cheesecakes , cookies , brownies , fruit-topped tortes , flans , mousses and the potent mini-coffees known as cafezinhos .

  3. 使用一周后即可感觉肌肤光滑柔润、白皙紧致。

    Use it for one week , white and bright skin will be seen .

  4. 细腻,闪亮的双唇,恢复柔润,年轻,持久滋润24小时全天候!

    Soft , radiant lips that look & feel smoother and younger for up to24 hours .

  5. 儿童浴露,令宝宝的皮肤爽洁柔润。

    The Bath lotion for children can keep your BaBy 's skin coolly clean and softly smooth .

  6. 持续使用可令皮肤柔润白滑,富有弹性。

    Continue being put into use can make skin white and smooth , be rich of elasticity .

  7. 此护理能有效的排脂解毒,分解身体多余脂肪及预防水肿,令肌肤回复紧致柔润。

    This treatment can detoxify effectively , eliminate fats and excess water , firming and shaping your body .

  8. 她浑身柔润的肌肤微微泛红,散发出玫瑰的芳馨。

    She was perfectly formed , all soft skin and delicate coloring , and she smelled of roses .

  9. 完美的水溶性乳霜,能彻底卸妆及去除尘垢,感觉柔润不油腻。

    This perfected , water soluble cream completely removes makeup and environmental grime , without leaving greasy residue .

  10. 含丰富维他命及天然发酵的配方加入活力胶结物,令头发轻盈柔润,带来动人光泽。

    Rich of vitamin and natural ferment formula with energy binder , makes your hair light , soft with charming shine .

  11. 含少量法国黏土,洗面后肌肤柔润光滑,并为深层保湿作好准备。

    Enhanced with a low concentration of French Clay to soften and polish the skin , preparing it for deep hydration .

  12. 镯身无杂质,呈半透明,质感细腻温润,晶莹剔透,柔润光滑,手感特好!

    Bracelet body without impurities , was translucent and texture , delicate jade , crystal clear , smoothness smooth feel very good !

  13. 她咬下的那一块刚刚落肚,本来饿坏了的空胃就产生反感,她当即伏在柔润的泥土上艰难地呕吐起来。

    No sooner had the lump gone down than her empty outraged stomach revolted and she lay in the soft dirt and vomited tiredly .

  14. 质地温和,洗后脸部不紧绷,每一个毛孔都能自由呼吸,是获得清新、柔润、健康肌肤的基础。

    Mild nature , every pore can breathe freely after use , it is the foundation for enjoying fresh , moist and healthy skin .

  15. 羊绒是取自山羊身上的一层细绒毛,纤维细长、手感柔润被誉为纤维之王。

    Cashmere is taken from the fine layer of villa of goats . It is uniform and soft , reputed to be the king of the fiber .

  16. 在低温烧成制度下,所制无锆无毒廉价生釉表面呈现出稳定的绢样光泽的玉白色,平滑柔润,毫无浮光。

    Under the low-temperature system , the prepared nonpoisonous zirconium free biscuit appeared stable silklike white glaze which was soft and smooth with no disorderly reflected gloss .

  17. 主要功能:质地轻盈,丝滑柔润,温和的清洁皮肤上的油脂及污垢,疏通毛孔;

    Functions : The quality is slim and graceful , supple and tender as the silk , gently cleans oil and dirt on the skin , and dredges the pore .

  18. 新型护手霜,令操持家务之手,爽洁柔润。家庭主妇每天都是一成不变地操持家务。

    The new variety hand cream can keep the hands of those who regularly do housework coolly clean and softly smooth . Wives make a ritual of their household duties .

  19. 要得到一块柔润的草地,唯一的方法就是常常割草;要得到一个温柔、和平、怜悯的心,唯一的方法就是常经神的镰刀割修。

    There is no method of obtaining a velvety lawn but by repeated mowings ; and there is no way of developing tenderness , evenness , sympathy , but by the passing of God 's scythes .

  20. 青春不是如花的脸庞、鲜红的嘴唇和健康柔润的双腿,它是一种意志、想象、精力,更是生命中那生机勃勃的春天。

    it is not a matter of rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees , it is a matter of the will , a quality of the imagination , a vigor of the emotions.it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .