
róu wǎn
  • soft and mild;tender and agreeable
柔婉 [róu wǎn]
  • [gentle and sweet] 柔顺婉转

  • 柔婉的吟唱令人抚掌

  1. 它柔婉细腻,绵绵深意寸丝间。

    It soften fine , rain-inch wire between the profound meaning .

  2. 特殊的生活环境与社会背景塑成了她偏于病态的柔婉性格。

    The typical living environment and social background bred her sickly gentle mode .

  3. 你愈使请求柔婉,请求就愈变为客气。

    The more you soften a request , the more polite it becomes .

  4. 她需要使请求语气柔婉,以便尽估计把它变成有礼貌与客气。

    She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could .

  5. 除韩寒外其他80后作家作品都是柔婉的风格。

    Except the cold outside of Han , " the later 1980s " writer work all is soft beautiful style other .

  6. 分裂的人格延续于冷静而柔婉的文字中,如梅雨,湿润而压抑。

    Split personality existed in the calming and gentle words , just like rainy days , which are moist and repressive .

  7. 中国古代诗歌的文体风格是庄重典雅,而词的风格则是柔婉妩媚。

    The literary styles of ancient chinese Poetry is graceful and solemn , while that of Ci is gentle and charming .

  8. 寂灭世界中的凄壮与柔婉&浅论李商隐诗歌意象的美学特质

    Lonely and Gentle Beauty in A Silent Dying World & On Aesthetic Characters of Poetry Images in Li Shangyin 's Poems

  9. 对成熟的女人和男人,我们以是否温顺柔婉或阳刚冷峻甄别他们是否漂亮,而孩子不是。

    We can clarify mature man and woman by their kind , tender or cool but this is rather not the standard for kids .

  10. 由于水彩画家对水的灵活运用,而增强了水彩画简素空灵,柔婉华润,超逸灵动的美学品味。

    As watercolorist flexible use of water , and enhance the ethereal watercolor Jane Su , Wanhua Run soft , free and natural facial aesthetic taste .

  11. 明代文人的审美情趣增强了家具简素空灵,柔婉华润,飘逸而含蓄的美学品味。

    Ming Dynasty as the presence of many aesthetic taste , and enhances the ethereal elements of furniture simple , flexible Run , elegant and subtle aesthetic taste .

  12. 最爱耳畔的窃窃私语,柔婉的清韵在暧昧的空间里轻声作响。有时,一张床就是一个世界。

    I love the whisper most at the ear , listening the pure rhyme of sweet words flowing in the ambiguous space . Sometimes , a bed is a world .

  13. 汉语修辞风格主要体现在以下几个方面:刚健和柔婉、简洁和细密、绮丽和质朴、明快和含蓄。

    Chinese rhetorical style is mainly reflected in the following ways : robust and tender , concise and detailed , complicated and charming and plain , lucid and lively and reserved .

  14. 李清照是宋代以婉约著称的女词人,但从她诗、词、文的创作中我们却看到她的个性心理是具有复杂性的,柔婉之中又不乏阳刚之气。

    Li Qing Zhao was a poetess who was famous for tactfulness in Song Dynasty . But from her poems and articles , we can see that her personality and mentality was complicated .

  15. 辑注本《启颜录》词语注释商兑三、广告语言的表达风格,包括简洁与繁复、明快与含蓄、清淡与浓丽、庄重与诙谐、刚健与柔婉。

    The expressing styles of advertising language ( including the styles of being succinct and complicated , straightforward and implicative , simple-worded and flowery , serious and humorous , and being vigorous and soft at the same time );

  16. 即他是继韩寒之后,80后作家群主流语言风格的开拓者,他的作品柔婉的风格直接影响了80后其他大部分作家。

    After being that he is cold succeed Han . pioneer , his soft beautiful " the later 1980s " writer group mainstream speech style work style has had direct impact to " the later 1980s " other most writers .