
  • 网络Poetry of boudoir repinings
  1. 第二部分分析唐代闺怨诗的主要创作手法;

    The second part of this thesis will analyze the artistic techniques of these poems .

  2. 李贺的长安经验与其宫怨、闺怨诗的创作

    Li He 's Experience in Chang'an and His Palace Blame and Feminine Querimony Poetry Creation

  3. 论唐代宫怨诗与闺怨诗的幽怨美

    On Aesthetics of Hidden Bitterness in the Tang Poetry of Palace and Boudoir Repinings Discuss on the Beauty of Grievance In the Poems of Grievance

  4. 前人研究唐诗中的女性多在闺怨诗上钻研,这种研究和战争诗有相关之处,可是并不能反映唐代女性面对战争的真实状态。

    Previous studies of women in the war poetry of Tang Dynasty lay stress on the boudoir , which research correlated with war poetry ; however , it can not reflect the real status of the female in Tang Dynasty as they face the war .

  5. 本文以李贺长安任职期间创作的宫怨、闺怨诗和他妓女诗中的怨女形象为研究对象,分别阐述两类诗歌中怨女形象呈现的不同特征。

    This article makes his GongYuan and GuiYuan poems written in the period of his being in Chang ' an as an official and his prostitute poems as the study object , expounds the features of the gloomy and distressed female image in those two kinds of poems .
