
  • 网络anti-japanese literature
  1. 东北作家与抗战文艺

    Northeastern writers and the anti-Japanese literature

  2. 从田汉看抗战文艺的伟大精神

    The Greatness of Anti-Japanese Art and Literature : A Case Study of Tian Han

  3. 前无古人后启来者&论田仲济《中国抗战文艺史》对中国现代文学的学术贡献

    Unprecedented and Unrepeatable & Comment on Contribution of the History of Chinese Resistance Literature Written by Tian Zhongji to Chinese Modern Literature

  4. 特定的历史背景赋予文协领导全国抗战文艺运动的历史使命,而文协自身健全的组织机构又为其长期以重庆为中心致力于抗战文艺运动提供了组织基础。

    Specific history backgrounds endowed the CLAA with the historical mission of leading the Anti-Japan movement in literature and art circles , and its own integrity organization provided a basement for its activities .

  5. 从抗战文艺的需要出发,自己周围的现实就是丰富的写作题材,作家要深入生活、思考生活,才能写出感人的作品。

    From the artistic needs of the Anti-Japanese War , the reality around them is the wealth of writing material , writers must go to experience real life , reflect on life , to write moving works .

  6. 桂林抗战时期文艺期刊翻译活动是丰富多彩的,我们没有理由不给予它应有的重视和研究。

    The translation activities of literary periodicals in Guilin during the Anti-Japanese War were rich and colorful .

  7. 翻译文学在抗战时期的文艺期刊中占有一席之地,在抗战文学中也构成了一定规模。

    Translated literature not only played an important role among literary journals of Anti-Japanese War period , but also had reached a fixed scale in the war-resistance literature .

  8. 与轰动的市场效应相比,主流文学对他的评价形成了较大反差,即使是在抗战爆发、文艺界统一战线形成后,对张恨水创作的肯定仍然存在种种局限。

    Contrary to the success in the market , the mainstream literature underestimated his works , even if in the Anti-Japanese War and after the establishment of the united front of literature and art , the acceptance to his works still limited .

  9. 抗战初期,延安文艺界的部分文学创作出现了以下三种偏向:第一,以牺牲艺术真实为代价,凭空捏造一些惊险离奇的情节,借以吸引读者。

    At the first period of the Anti-Japanese War , the former Yan'an literature and art circles appeared the following three kinds of deviations : First , in order to attract the readers , sacrificing the reality to fabricate some thrilling strange plots .

  10. 围绕抗战主题,与民族解放运动同步发展,运用文艺形式进行抗日救亡宣传成为抗战文艺运动的中心内容。

    With the development of the national liberation movement , the propaganda of anti Japan and national salvation that utilized the literature and art as its expression and the resistance against the aggression as its topic became main content of this movement at that time .

  11. 抗战时期国统区的政治斗争、政治统治、政治文化心理影响和制约了国统区的抗战文艺运动;

    The anti - Japanese literary and art campaign in the KTM region was influenced and suppressed by the political struggle , political governance , and political cultural psychology in the KMT region in the period of anti-Japanese war .