
kànɡ qiú dàn bái shì yàn
  • antiglobulin test
  1. 方法采用微柱凝胶抗球蛋白试验测定IgG血型抗体。

    Methods Microcolumn test was used to determinate the blood group antibody IgG .

  2. 直接抗球蛋白试验(DAT)检测患者RBC(Pc)上的免疫复合物;

    The immune-complex on red blood cells from four patients ( Pc ) was detected by direct anti-globulin test ( DAT );

  3. 方法:作血液免疫学体外药物模拟抗球蛋白试验(AGT)。

    METHODS : Antiglobulin test ( AGT ) of drug simulated in vitro were performed with hemo immunology .

  4. 结果:28例中10例ABO定型受干扰,多为间接抗球蛋白试验阳性者及正反定型不合者。

    Result : Using the routine blood group and serology techniques , autoantibody interfered with ABO typing in 10 cases , most of whom were indirect antiglobulin test positive .

  5. 结果表明:38例AIHA患者中,ABO血型难定者11例(31.6%),均为间接抗球蛋白试验阳性及正反定型不合。

    The results showed that out of 38 patients with AIHA , 11 cases ( 31.6 % ) of ABO blood group were difficultly typed , indirect antiglobulin test were positive , and contradiction between cells typing and sera typing were observed .

  6. 凝胶直接抗球蛋白试验在自身免疫性溶血性贫血实验诊断中的应用

    The Application of Microcolumn Coomb 's Test in the Diagnosis of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia

  7. 凝胶抗球蛋白试验的特点及实验分析

    Experimental evaluation of the gel antiglobulin test

  8. 结论:证明在微柱凝胶抗球蛋白试验中不需洗涤而简化了程序,有两个原因。

    Conclusion : Two reasons for non-requirement of washing in Gel-Coombs 'T have been found .

  9. 抗球蛋白试验检出了所有12种抗体(12/12);

    All of the 12 kinds of IgG antibodies were detected by anti-globulin technique ( 12 / 12 ) .

  10. 目的:探讨微柱凝胶抗球蛋白试验中液体和凝胶两相介质的作用,分析该试验不需洗涤步骤的原因。

    Objective : To analyse the functions of two phase media of Liquid and Gel with the Microcolumn Gel Coombs'Test and study the reasons for obviating the need of washing RBC in the Gel Coombs 'T.

  11. 18例SLE患者行抗人球蛋白试验,阳性率为66.7%。

    18 cases were received Coombs test , the positive rate was 66.7 % .

  12. Rh因子及抗人球蛋白试验方法简便、易行,一般医院均可进行。

    The methods for examination of coombs and the D factor of Rh are simple and liable to practice , available in nearly all of hospitals .

  13. 结果:1.阳性率:经典的抗人球蛋白试验法为16.17%;改良的抗人球蛋白试验法为17.49%,SPSS13.0统计学软件分析,两者的差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The positive rate : classical coombs test is 16.17 % , the improved coombs test is 17.49 % . There is no statistic significant of these two methods by the SPSS 13.0 software . 2 .

  14. 方法:采用微柱凝胶抗人球蛋白试验分别测定妊娠16周、28~32周、36~38周的孕妇血清中IgG血型抗体效价。

    Methods : The titers of blood group antibody IgG of pregnant women 's serum at 16th , 28 ~ 32nd , 36 ~ 38th week were detected by microcolumn gel immunology assay .

  15. 方法收集男性不育症患者303例,采用计算机辅助分析系统行精液常规分析,用UU分离鉴定培养液检测精液UU,采用混合抗球蛋白反应试验(mixedantiglobulinreaction,MAR)检测精液AsAb。

    Methods Semen of 303 cases of male infertility were examined for UU by cultivation and AsAb in semen were simultaneously detected by mixed antiglobulin reaction ( MAR ) .

  16. 目的通过直接抗人球蛋白试验(DAT)阳性的类型鉴别,有助于临床对自身免疫性溶血性贫血(AIHA)的正确诊断;

    Objective To distinguish types of the direct antiglobulin test ( DAT ) positive , help clinical to diagnose exactly the Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia ( AIHA );

  17. 方法用DIANA全自动血型仪对23例AIHA患者进行ABO、Rh(D)血型常规定型及氯喹放散实验后定型,同时进行直、间接抗人球蛋白试验。

    Methods The blood samples of 23 patients with AIHA were identified by routine typing and typing after chloroquine elution test on DIANA auto instrument . Direct and indirect antiglobulin test were done in the same time .

  18. 方法DAT阳性标本分AIHA组和非AIHA组,进行免疫分型,然后把IgG或IgG+C3的标本进行放散试验,利用放散液与标准抗体筛查细胞进行间接抗人球蛋白试验(IAT)。

    Methods DAT positive samples can be divided into AIHA group and non AIHA group , process immunity types , and test the samples of IgG or IgG + C 3 with elution , use elution liquid and standard antibody screen cell to process indirect antiglobulin test ( IAT ) .

  19. 直接抗人球蛋白试验阳性的类型鉴别及临床意义

    Distinguish types and clinical significance of direct antiglobulin test positive

  20. 考察骨髓单个核细胞直接抗人球蛋白试验(BMMNC-Coombs)的敏感性。

    2 ) To evaluate the sensitivity of bone marrow mononuclear cell ( BMMNC ) Coombs tests .

  21. 25例行抗人球蛋白试验,3例阳性(120%);

    In 25 patients with SLE receiving Coombs test , 3 were positive ( 12.0 % ) .

  22. 三项试验中直接抗人球蛋白试验阳性49例(39.2%),释放试验阳性110例(88%),游离试验阳性87例(69.6%);

    The positive rates of direct antiglobulin test ( DAT ), elution test and indirect antiglobulin test ( IAT ) were 39.2 % , 88 % and 69.6 % respectively .

  23. 作者认为,生后24小时发生高胆由多种因素所致,与脐血胆红素值、于血症、改良直接抗人球蛋白试验关系较大。

    The authors propose that the appearance of HPB correlates chiefly with the following factors : such as , the level of umbilical bilirubin , neonatal blood group , and the result of modified direct antiglobulin test .

  24. 三项血清学检测中最有诊断意义的试验为抗体释放试验,阳性率高达100%,改良直接抗人球蛋白试验阳性率为42.9%。

    Antibody release test was of the most important significance in diagnosis of ABO hemolytic disease , the positive rate of which was 100 % , and the positive rate of the direct anti-globulin test was only 42.9 % .

  25. 方法:采用微柱凝集抗人球方法和传统抗人球蛋白试验检测120例孕妇血清IgG抗体效价,并对两种方法的结果进行方法学评价。

    Method : The serum IgG valence of antibody in 120 pregnant women were test by microcylinder agglutinative and traditional antihuman globulin test respectively , the results were evaluated .