
  1. 在此之前,迈克尔在《SmoothCriminal》MV中使用了金属线,以此实现表演出“抗拒地心引力”的动作。

    Before the invention of the shoe , Michael used wires in his " Smooth Criminal " video to achieve the gravity-defying dance moves .

  2. 壁虎能够抗拒地心引力的秘诀在于:肌腱和皮肤的独特排列。

    The gravity-defying secret : a unique arrangement of tendons and skin .

  3. 正如他那知名的“太空步”一样,迈克尔·杰克逊在舞台上还有另一个为人所熟知的动作——好像抗拒地心引力一样,身体前倾的同时保持脚面完全着地。

    Like his famous " Moonwalk , " another one of Michael 's famous on-stage moves was a seemingly gravity-defying lean forward where his feet remained planted flat on the ground .