
  • 网络Antioxidant
  1. 生育酚的高效抗氧性及其应用

    The high antioxidant activities of tocopherol and application Q & A on Sex

  2. 介绍中国石化石油化工科学研究院研制的10W/30SF/CD通用多级内燃机油全尺寸发动机耐久试验和实车试验,试验结果进一步验证该油品具有良好的抗氧性、清净分散性和抗磨性。

    Duration test and field test of full scale engine of 10W / 30 SF / CD general multigrade internal combustion engine oil developed by RIPP were presented . The result showed that this oil has good anti oxidizability , detergent dispersive property and anti wearability .

  3. 黄芩苷及其金属配合物的抗氧性研究

    Study on the Inhibition Effect of Baicalin and Baicalin Metallic Coordination

  4. 应用神经网络对润滑油抗氧性的分析

    Application of Neural Network Technique in the Analysis of the Oxidation Resistance of Lubrication Oil

  5. 评定结果表明:该剂具有较好的分散性、抗氧性及抗磨减摩性能。

    The evaluation result showed the agent has better dispersion , anti-oxidation and AW & reducing friction properties .

  6. 纯化后产品的纯度分别是15.77%和27.79%,抗氧性比粗提物的抗氧性提高约6%。

    The anti-oxidation of fucoidan purified is more 6 % than crude fucoidan , pureness was 15.77 % and 27.79 % .

  7. 最后通过加入抗氧性单体聚合新型的三元共聚物,制备出损耗较低、柔韧性较好的聚合物光纤。

    A new triblock copolymer was polymerizated by using resistible-oxygen monomer , and POF with low-loss and good flexility was prepared through using it .

  8. 但是,由于聚苯硫醚的分子结构特性,使它的抗氧性特别是抗热氧稳定性不佳,限制了它的应用范围和场所。

    However , due to the structural characteristics of the molecular of polyphenylene sulfide , the PPS has poor thermal stability of oxygen , which limits its application scope and field .

  9. 实机使用试验表明:研制油品具有优异的抗氧性和水分离性,质量稳定可靠,使用效果良好,可减少换油周期及延长检修周期,满足氨和合成气压缩机上使用要求。

    The service test indicated that the developed oil can meet the requirements of ammonia compressor and synthetic gas compressor , with excellent oxidation resistance and water separation ability , high and steady quality , shorter draining period and longer service period .

  10. 添加剂在植物基基础油中的抗氧抗磨性

    Antioxidant and antiwear property of additives in vegetable base oil

  11. 目的:观察人参银杏复方制剂对缺氧24h复氧后不同时段Fos表达时程变化的影响,探讨人参银杏复方制剂抗缺氧复氧性脑损伤机制。

    AIM : To observe the effect of renshen ginkgo extract compound on the changes of Fos expression at different stage after hypoxia and 24-hour reoxygenation , and to explore the mechanism of renshen ginkgo extract compound against hypoxia-reoxygenation brain injury .

  12. 简要介绍了通过对胺型抗氧荆的改性来获得酯类航空润滑油高温抗氧剂的方法和协合抗氧剂的研究进展,并对抗氧化机理研究的最新进展进行了综述。

    The methods of obtaining the high temperature antioxidants for ester aviation lubricating oil through improving amine antioxidants and the research development of synergy antioxidants were depicted briefly , the recent research of anti - oxidation mechanism was reviewed also .