
  • 网络apigenin;Apigenin,API;Apigenin,AP
  1. 大剂量芹菜素对大鼠抗氧化酶活性及DNA损伤影响的研究

    Effect of high dose apigenin on antioxidase activity and DNA damage in rats

  2. 用HPLC法测定大鼠血浆和胆汁中芹菜素的浓度

    Determination of the concentration of apigenin in rat plasma and bile by HPLC method

  3. 目的研究芹菜素对人乳腺癌MDA-MB-231细胞血管内皮生长因子(VascularEndothelialGrowthFactor,VEGF)表达的影响。

    [ Objective ] To study the effects of Apigenin on vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) in human breast cancer cells ( MDA-MB-231 ) .

  4. 芹菜素通过Akt信号途径抑制人肝癌细胞活性

    Inhibition of cell viability of human hepatocellular carcinoma by apigenin via Akt signal pathway

  5. 芹菜素对MDA-MB-231细胞增殖及侵袭转移的影响

    Effect of Apigenin on Proliferation and Metastasis of Cell Line MDA-MB-231

  6. 囊泡法转染重组FSH在巴斯德毕赤酵母中的表达芹菜素囊泡的体内药动学和组织分布研究

    Studies of Expression of Recombinant Follicle-Stimulating Hormone via Vesicles Transfection in Pichia Pastoris Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution of Apigenin Niosomes

  7. 采用PI染色法,流式细胞术检测不同浓度芹菜素对Huh-7细胞周期分布的影响。

    Detected the cell cycle distribution by PI dyeing methods and flow cytometry . 4 .

  8. 对分离的原代骨髓瘤细胞研究发现,芹菜素能够选择性地抑制原代肿瘤细胞的增殖,但对正常的外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)没有影响。

    Apigenin selectively inhibited the proliferation of purified primary MM cells , but had no effect on the normal PBMC cells .

  9. 芹菜素(apigenin,API)是一种黄酮类化合物,大量存在于水果、蔬菜、豆类、茶叶中。

    Apigenin ( apigenin , API ) is a kind of flavonoids , abundant in fruits , vegetables , beans and tea .

  10. HPLC法测定五指毛桃中补骨脂素和芹菜素的含量岭南道地药材&五指毛桃的主要药效学及质控图谱研究

    Determination of Psoralen and Apigenin in Radix Fici Hirtae by HPLC The Study of the Main Pharmacodynamics and Quality Control Atlas of Radix Fici from South China Area Where Raw Material is the Best

  11. 凋亡检测实验发现芹菜素可诱导细胞凋亡,并呈剂量依赖性,各组间的差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    ( P0.05 ) 4 . Cell apoptosis test have shown that apigenin could promote apoptosis , and presented dose-dependent . The differences between each group all have statistical significance . ( P0.05 ) 5 .

  12. 芹菜素能够抑制细胞内组成性和外源性细胞因子(如IL-6、IGF-1等)激活的生存信号通路;并活化死亡受体介导的Caspase-8/Caspase-3凋亡信号通路,最终诱导细胞发生细胞凋亡。

    Apigenin inactivated the intracellular and the extracellular cytokines-induced survival signaling pathways , and resulted in the activation of caspase-8 / caspase-3 apoptosis pathways , finally induced cell apoptosis .

  13. 结果芹菜素对MDA-MB-231细胞没有明显增殖抑制效应。芹菜素能够抑制MDA-MB-231细胞分泌VEGF,并且降低vEGFmRNA的表达水平。

    [ Results ] Apigenin did not inhibit the cell viability of MDA-MB-231 . Apigenin reduced the secretion of VEGF , and mRNA level of VEGF in MDA-MB-231 cell .

  14. 通过平板克隆形成实验检测不同浓度芹菜素对Huh-7细胞克隆形成能力的影响。

    Detected the ability of cell clone by flat plate clone formation test . 3 .

  15. 结论在离体条件下,CME可以被人、大鼠、Beagle犬及家兔的肠道菌群代谢,主要的代谢物为木犀草素和芹菜素。

    Conclusion In vitro , CME is easily metabolized by intestinal flora human , rat , Beagle dog , and rabbit and the main metabolites are luteolin and apigenin .

  16. 方法健康家兔单剂量(200mg·k-1)灌胃CME及其酸水解产物,以RP-HPLC测定给药后不同时间点木犀草素和芹菜素血浆药物浓度。

    METHODS The concentrations of luteolin and apigenin in plasma were determined by HPLC method after a single oral dose of 200 mg · kg-1 of intact CME and hydrolysate of CME was administered to rabbits .

  17. 结论芹菜素(10-9M)可以抑制卵巢分泌雌激素和孕激素。

    Conclusions Apigenin ( 10 ~ ( - 9 ) M ) could inhibit the secretion of estrogen and progestin of ovary .

  18. 方法通过在体实验,给成年雌性大鼠侧脑室注射芹菜素(10-9M),观察芹菜素对卵巢雌激素和孕激素分泌的影响。

    Methods By using in vivo experiments , adult female rats were injected apigenin ( 10 ~ ( - 9 ) M ) into lateral ventricle , in order to observe the effect of apigenin on the secretion of estrogen and progestin .

  19. 我们又继续探讨了芹菜素对骨髓瘤细胞的影响。

    We further detected the effect of apigenin on MM cells .

  20. 芹菜素与曲昔匹特的分子印迹研究及色谱定量分析

    Molecular Imprinting Technology Study and Chromatography Analysis about Apigenin and Troxipide

  21. 芹菜素醚化及溴化衍生物的合成及抗肝癌活性研究

    Synthesis and Anti-hepatoma Activities of Apigenin etherified and brominated derivatives

  22. 口服芹菜素固体脂质纳米粒制剂学及药动学研究

    Studies on Pharmacy Characters and Pharmacokinetics of Oral Apigenin Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticle

  23. 芹菜素固体脂质纳米粒的体内药物动力学考察

    Pharmacokinetics of apigenin solid lipid nanoparticles in rats

  24. 高效液相色谱检测芹菜素及其与人血清白蛋白的相互作用

    HPLC investigation on the determination of apigenin and its interaction with human serum albumin

  25. 芹菜素-6,8-二-C-半乳糖苷(6)。

    - di - C - β - D - galactoside ( 6 ) .

  26. 所以芹菜素是种潜在的抗结肠恶性肿瘤侵袭和转移的药物。

    So Apigenin is a potential drug to anti-invasion and anti-migration of tumor cells .

  27. 侧脑室注射芹菜素对动情期雌性大鼠卵巢功能的影响

    Effect of Lateral Ventricle Injection of Apigenin on Ovary Function of Female Rats during Estrus

  28. 芹菜素诱导人胃癌细胞凋亡作用及机制研究

    Study on pro-apoptotic effect of apigenin on human gastric cancer cells and its underlying mechanisms

  29. 芹菜素对小鼠T细胞增殖及细胞因子基因表达的影响

    The Effects of Apigenin on the Proliferation and Cytokine Gene Expression of Murine T Lymphocytes

  30. 结论芹菜素能够明显干扰雌性大鼠的生殖内分泌,缩短其性周期。

    Conclusions Apigenin exerts reproduction disruption effects on female mice and makes its estrous cycle shorter .