
  1. “做土豆色拉。”我答道。

    " Making potato salad ," I replied .

  2. 搞一次真正的老式野餐,有炸鸡、土豆色拉、泡菜和柠檬水。

    And have a real old fashioned picnic lunch with fried chicken , potato salad , dill pickles , and lemonade .

  3. 那是在一个大厅里举行的,还有人演奏手风琴,食品桌用土豆色拉复制成逝者的模样。

    It was held in a big hall with accordion players , and the buffet table was a replica of the deceased in potato salad .

  4. 选些个头小、表皮光滑的土豆做色拉。

    Choose small waxy potatoes for the salad .

  5. 我想也许是牛排、土豆和素菜色拉。

    I think it 's perhaps steak , baked potato and green salad .

  6. 行,我的朋友想要牛排、土豆和素菜色拉。

    All right , so my friend would like to have steak , baked potato and green salad .