
  • 网络Geotextile;geotextiles
  1. 基于RS-485总线的土工布渗透率测控系统

    Measuring and Controlling System of Geotextile Infiltration Rate Base On RS-485 Bus

  2. 其次是砂桩加复合土工布、土工格栅加聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料板,极限填高可提高1.9m;

    Then come the sand pile with compound geotextile and geogrid with polystyrene plastic board for limit height 1.9 m ;

  3. 针刺土工布Oe值影响因素探讨及特大Oe值厚型产品的研制与应用

    Research of Influence Factors of Oe Value on Needle-Punched Geotextiles & the Application of Heavy Products with Maximum Oe Value

  4. 6个试验小区土壤全N,P,K含量分析结果表明,覆盖土工布试验小区与不覆盖土工布试验小区相比,土壤N,P,K含量富集明显,土壤肥力增强。

    The analysis results in the six experiment areas showed that the content of the N , P and K in the soil covered with jute geotextiles was obviously richer than that uncoverd , and the soil fertility improved .

  5. 该测试仪可以完成土工布的各种力学性能测试试验,包括条样拉伸、握持拉伸、撕裂、CBR顶破、圆球顶破、刺破及厚度的测量。

    It can measure all kinds of mechanical property test , such as spline tension , holding tension , tearing , CBR upend , ball upend , pierce and thickness measuring .

  6. 某高速公路试验段实测资料表明,一层土工布对工后沉降的影响可忽略不计,两层土工布约增加工后沉降40~50mm。

    The results of test section in a highway show that the post-construction settlement increased by one layer of fabric can be ignored but the post-construction settlement increased by two layers of fabric may reach 40 ~ 50 mm .

  7. 丙纶编织布/涤纶非织布复合针刺土工布的研制

    Development of Polypropylene knitted Fabrics / Polyester Nonwovens Laminated Needle-felted Geotextiles

  8. 土工布相关材料的击穿强度试验法

    Test method for puncture strength of geotextiles and their related products

  9. 我国聚丙烯土工布的生产应用及发展前景

    Production Application and Development Prospect of PP Geo textiles in China

  10. 非织造布滤材用粘合剂机织物和非织造布均可为土工布。

    Both woven and nonwoven fabrics are used in geotextile applications .

  11. 黄麻土工布与苎麻结合控制水土流失效应的研究

    Effect of Jute Geotextiles in Combination with Ramie on Soil Erosion

  12. 土工布及土工格栅的蠕变特性试验方法

    Test method for evaluation of creep properties of geotextiles and grids

  13. 土工布与袋装砂井综合处理软土地基

    Combined Treatment of Soft Subgrade by Geosynthetics and Wick Drain

  14. 土工布在油田沼泽地道路工程中的应用

    Application of Geo-textile in Road Engineering in Swamp of Oilfield

  15. 土工布在107国道沥青路面大修中的应用

    Application of Civil Engineering Textiles in Asphalt Pavement of National Highway 107

  16. 土工布力学性能的模拟及应用研究

    The Computer Simulation of Geotextiles Mechanical Properties and Its Application

  17. 用于垃圾填埋场防护与排水的非织造土工布的耐化学性研究

    Chemical Resistance of Nonwoven Geotextiles for Protection and Drainage in Waste Landfills

  18. 黄麻土工布控制红壤坡面侵蚀的研究

    Study on Slope Erosion Control with Jute Geotextile on the Red Soil

  19. 土工布在港口防护工程中的设计和应用

    The Design and Application of Geotextile in Port Protection Works

  20. 聚丙烯土工布纤维抗老化性能研究与测试

    Study on the Anti-aging Performance of Polypropylene Fibers for Geotextile

  21. 防裂土工布在沥青路面中修工程中的应用

    Application of Anti-breaking Geotextile in Intermediate Maintenance of Asphalt Pavement

  22. 用光杠杆法测试分析非织造土工布的蠕变性能

    Measurement and Analysis of Creep Property of Nonwoven Geotextiles by Photic Leverage

  23. 土工布&纺织企业新的利润增长点

    Geo-synthetics & a New Profit Increasing Point of Textile Industry

  24. 土工布温度稳定性试验法

    Testing method for effects of temperature on stability of geotextiles

  25. 土工布代替砂砾反滤层的实践

    Practice of replacing gravel with earthwork cloth in filter bed

  26. 玻纤格栅复合土工布的开发与性能

    Development and Properties of Glass Fiber Grid Reinforced Composite Geotextiles

  27. 针刺土工布过滤性能的影响因素

    Influencing Factors on the Filtration Property of Needle-Punched Nonwoven Geotextile

  28. 智能土工布力学性能测试系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Testing System for Geotextile Mechanical Property

  29. 土工布在水泥稳定碎石基层接缝中的应用

    Application of Geotechnical Fabric in Cement Stabilized Macadam Base Joint

  30. 土工布防治裂缝技术在路面养护工程中的应用

    The application of earthwork cloth control crack technology in pavement maintenance project