
  • 网络Land Management Department;Department of Land Administration
  1. 建立基于GIS地籍管理系统是目前土地管理部门正在开展的一项建设性工作。

    It is a constructive task for Land Management Department to build Cadastral Management System .

  2. 环境与土地管理部门协调股

    Environment and Land Management Sector Coordination Unit

  3. 土地管理部门与《行政诉讼法》施行的适应

    A discussion on land managerial departments how to fit the performance of administrative procedural law

  4. 市房屋土地管理部门负责本市优秀历史建筑的保护管理。

    The municipal administrative department of housing and land is responsible for the protection of this Municipality 's excellent historical buildings .

  5. 随着信息技术和互联网络的发展,传统的地籍管理信息系统已经不能满足土地管理部门的需要。

    With development of information and network technology , traditional CMIS can not meet the require of the land management department .

  6. 当地土地管理部门官员说,土地发证工作开展之前,阿斯吉尔特区持久的土地冲突甚至杀人事件使一些居民搬离该区。

    Prior to the land certification effort , Asagirt Woreda endured conflict even killings over land that drove some residents away , local land administration officials say .

  7. 土地管理部门应当制定土地使用权出让金和土地开发基金年度使用计划,并报市政府批准。

    The Land Administration Department shall make the yearly utilization plan of the transfer fees of land-use right and land development funds and submit them to the Municipal Government for approval .

  8. 国务院建设行政主管部门、土地管理部门依照国务院规定的职权划分,各司其职,密切配合,管理全国房地产工作。

    The administrative department in charge of construction and the land administration department of the State Council shall administer the work of real estate nationwide individually or cooperatively under their own powers .

  9. 确保系统软件的实用性、可靠性、规范性、可扩展性,提高系统开发的效率,降低成本,并为土地管理部门的业务操作提供决策支持。

    Ensure that the system software usability , reliability , standardization , scalability and improve system development efficiency , reduce costs , the land management department of the business operation For the provision of decision support .

  10. 摘要为了改变以往土地管理部门对土地管理的传统方式,节省在常规管理中耗费的大量人力和物力,遥感技术作为新兴发展的科学技术,已应用于动态监测土地利用的变化。

    In order to change the traditional pattern of land management department to land management , and to save manpower and material resources , remote sensing is used to dynamically monitor landuse change as a developing technology .

  11. 随着社会经济发展的日趋多样化,土地管理部门的业务范围不断扩大,通过网络在线办公方式进行土地估价及评审工作将逐步成为以后的发展趋势。

    Along with the development of social economy becoming more diverse , the business scope of the land management department expands unceasingly , and the online office will gradually become the development trend of the future in the land evaluation and review process .

  12. 县级以上人民政府土地管理部门依法对土地使用权的出让、转让、出租、抵押、终止进行监督检查。

    The land administrative departments under the people 's governments at or above the county level shall conduct supervision and inspection , according to law , over the assignment , transfer , lease , mortgage and termination of the right to the use of the land .

  13. 它不仅实现了图文一体化查询检索及空间分析,辅助实现规划的编制或修编,为土地管理部门规划方案的拟定提供参考,而且实现了对规划成果统一的管理,方便了规划的实施管理。

    It not only realize query and search the graphic and text in common . , assist the planning compilation , which provides reference of the planning scheme establishment for land management branch , But also it can manage the planning production and give facilities for planning operation .

  14. 土地行政管理部门的主要工作是保障发展、保护资源、节约用地和为公众提供优质服务。

    The main work of land administration department are maintaining development , protecting resources , save land and to provide quality services for the public .

  15. 这些信息无疑为土地管理有关部门的决策者作出快速、果断的决策提供了最直接、客观的依据。

    These information has undoubtedly offered the most direct , objective basis for the fact that the policymakers of the related departments of land management make fast , resolute decision .

  16. 在农村集体建设用地入市形势日渐明朗之时,政府土地行政管理部门以及相关立法机构的当务之急是建立好集体建设用地流转的支撑体系。

    As the rural collective land for construction is entering the market , governmental administration of land management and relevant legislature should give top priority to the establishment of the supporting system of conversion of the collective land for construction .

  17. 基于地理信息系统建立土地利用数据库能为土地管理部门提供科学、快捷、有效的管理手段。

    Owing to graphic information system , building land use database can provides scientific , rapid , effective administration means for the land administration branch .

  18. 在现代土地管理工作中,土地管理部门的工作性质和业务需求不断地发生变化,传统的土地管理方法已经不能满足其工作需要。

    In modern land management work , the job specification and business demands of land management departments constantly change , so the traditional land management methods have been unable to meet their needs .

  19. 最初的土地评估机构,全部是隶属于土地管理部门的事业单位。从2000年底开始,土地评估机构陆续完成脱钩改制,完全走向市场,成为真正意义上的社会中介组织。

    The all initial real estate evaluation institution belonged to the land management department of the goverment . From the end of 2000 , real estate evaluation institutions were completed entirely to the market and become a real social intermediary organizations .

  20. 这就要求作为全社会土地信息的最大拥有者与使用者的土地管理部门提高土地信息服务水平,以提高土地管理部门的公众形象。

    So it needs the land management department to advance the level of the Land Information Service ( LIS ), and meet the need of public in KE era .

  21. 本文运用冲突管理理论分析土地利用冲突,以期为我国土地管理部门提供一些政策建议。

    This thesis uses the conflict management theory to analyze the land use conflict in order to provide some advises on policy for the land management department in our country .

  22. 农用地面积和利用类型是土地管理中最重要的基本信息之一,也是土地管理部门和统计部门非常关心的信息。

    Agricultural land area and land use type is one of the most important and basic information , is concerned by the information land management and statistics department .

  23. 开展土地价格评估的机构,应当具备土地估价资格并经土地管理部门、价格管理部门确认;

    Assessment agencies conducting land price assessment must have qualifications on land assessment and be approved by the land administration department and price administration department .

  24. 攀升的土地价值,巨大的利益诱使手中握有土地管理权的土地管理人员、政府部门甚至地方政府不惜损害农民权益,从土地中牟取利益。

    The increase in land value , and great temptation in benefits make the staff whose hands hold the power of land management , government departments and even local governments reap benefits from land despite the interests of farmers .

  25. 农用地分等定级估价是衡量农用地质量优劣的必要手段,是适应社会主义农村土地使用制度改革需要而产生的一门新兴的土地学科,是目前土地管理部门亟待开展的一项工作。

    Farmland gradation and evaluation is a necessary means to evaluate the quality of farmland , is a new earth 's subject suitable to the socialistic village land usage system reform and is an urgent task for land management .

  26. 土地利用空间数据是在土地管理业务工作中产生的重要数据,为土地管理部门进行土地科学规划、合理开发利用与调查管理提供基础数据支持。

    Land-use spatial data is the important data generated by the land management work , it is the the basic data to support the land scientific planning , the rational exploitation and utilization , and the land investigation for land management department .

  27. 我国城市土地估价研究始于上世纪80年代中末期,近10年来,一直是理论界和土地管理部门的研究热点。

    Research on urban land appraisal was started by the end of 1980 's in China , Since recent 10 years , the urban land appraisal research has always been the hot topic of land economics The progress of domestic research on urban land appraisal was summarized in this paper .

  28. 根据《城镇土地分等定级规程》的规定,土地级别更新采用标准的定级程序进行,这样势必会为土地管理部门带来巨大的工作量;

    According to the " Regulations for Gradation and Classification on Urban Land ", the updating process follows the standard grading procedure , which would bring much workload to government .

  29. 基于此,笔者收集了该区土地利用的有关资料,对本区的土地利用动态变化进行分析研究,以期成都市土地管理有关部门能从中了解该区土地利用的变化情况。

    So , on the basis of some collection of land-use evidences , the author made some research work of land-use dynamic change for this area , and expected that the land-administration of Chengtu can find out some useful information from them .

  30. 农用土地分等定级是衡量农用土地质量优劣的必要手段,是实行农用土地保护的基本依据,是我国土地管理部门即将开展的一项工作。

    The agricultural land grade and evaluation is a necessary means to evaluate the quality of agricultural land , is the foundation to protect agricultural land , and is an urgent task for land management .