
  • 网络soil condition
  1. 土质条件对水泥土桩桩身强度影响的分析

    Analysis on Influence of Soil Condition on Strength of Cement-soil Piles

  2. 为了探明土质条件对水泥土桩桩身强度的影响,通过桩身芯样室内无侧限抗压强度实验,得出了土的粗颗粒含量越高;

    The influence of the soil condition upon the strength of the cement - soil piles is explored .

  3. 但是如何根据土质条件选择压桩力?

    But how to choose final pressure of pile according soil behavior ?

  4. 不同土质条件下基坑渗流场渗透特性分析

    Characteristics Analysis of Seepage Field in Foundation Pit with Considering Different Soil Properties

  5. 不同土质条件下树根桩承载性状分析

    Analysis of Root Pile Bearing Capacity in Different Soils

  6. 混合土法处治过湿土的土质条件及评价方法探讨

    Discussion About Soil Conditions of Excessive-Water Soil Treated by Mixed Soil Method and Appraisement Method

  7. 地基土质条件对地震动的影响新场气田土壤中纳米黄铁矿的发现及讨论

    The discovery of nano-size particle sulfur ores in the ground soil in Xinchang gas field and its significances

  8. 研究表明,振动压路机的激振力、振动频率和场地土质条件都是影响振动衰减的重要因素。

    Vibration force and frequency of vibration road roller and site soil are important influence factors on ground vibration attenuation .

  9. 加强不同气候和土质条件下渠道防渗新材料、新工艺、新施工设备的研究;

    Strengthen research into the new ditch anti-seepage materials , techniques and construction facilities under different climate and soil quality conditions .

  10. 理论分析表明,不同土质条件下盾构法隧道施工引起的土体移动模型有区别。

    Theoretical analysis shows that ground movement patterns induced by shield tunneling construction for different kinds of soils will be different .

  11. 从公路路基土方工程机械化施工的现状出发,深入进行了在复杂地质条件、土质条件下的机械化施工组织的研究,提出了路基土方工程机械化施工的组织思路。

    From mechanized construction conditions of highway subgrade earthwork , the paper discussed the organizations of mechanized construction and proposed some ideas .

  12. 不久,传感器将能够“闻到”并分辨出气味,从而分析土质条件和卫生系统。

    Sensors will soon be able to " smell " and distinguish odours , enabling analysis of soil conditions or sanitation systems .

  13. 在一定的土质条件下用喷锚加固边坡是一种经济、简便的技术措施。

    In certain soil condition , combined bolting and shotcrete is a economical and simple means for the reinforcement of side slope .

  14. 在土质条件较好的情况下竖向荷载对桩顶侧移的有利影响不如土质条件较差时那样明显。

    The weaker the soil , the greater the effect of the vertical load on the lateral displacement at the pile top .

  15. 对于非嵌岩人工挖孔灌注桩,本文提出根据土质条件多节扩头,即沿桩身设置若干个嵌坎的设想,对于提高单桩承载力,具有显著的技术经济效果。

    In this paper , a new idea of increasing the load-bearing capacity of single pile is presented for non-rock-inlaid manual digging pile .

  16. 根据振动式沉管灌注桩施工中的常见问题,从机械设备、地层土质条件、人为因素3个方面分析了存在问题的原因。

    Based on the common problems of vibration driven cast-in-place pile construction , analysed the reasons from equipments , soil conditions and artifical factors .

  17. 局部场地条件,尤其是场地的土质条件,对地震动及震害有重要的影响。

    Local site condition , especially soil condition of the site , has a great effect on strong ground motion and the earthquake damage .

  18. 福建与台湾的气候温度、日照、土质条件、相似农作物、类型栽培和耕作技术基本相同。

    Fujian and Taiwan almost share the same climate temperature , same sunlight condition and soil conditions , similar crop cultivation and farming techniques .

  19. 众所周知,局部地质、地形和土质条件等许多因素对给定场地的地面运动特性都是有影响的。

    It , is known that many factors such as local geology , topography and soil conditions can affect the characteristics of ground motion at a given site .

  20. 线路气候条件和路基土质条件都对水分竖向的迁移和冻胀大小有重要影响。

    Climatic conditions of the road and properties of the subgrade soils all have a strong influence on the vertical migration amount of moisture and the extent of frost heave .

  21. 根据其地形和土质条件可以修建在地上或地下,即分为开敝式和封闭式两大类;

    According to its topography and soil conditions can be built on the ground or underground , that is divided into open and closed two major categories of spacious style ;

  22. 同时应用算例,揭示了箱基埋深取决于地震设防烈度(或风荷载强度)、地基土质条件以及建筑结构动力特性等因素的综合作用的结果。

    The example reveals the embedded depth of the box / raft base is determined by seismic action , wind loads , soil condition and dynamic characteristic of the building structure .

  23. 对于某些特殊的土质条件,导出了解析解;对于普遍的情况,则应用数值法拉普拉斯逆变换求出了数值解。

    The solutions for some particular conditions are deduced by analytical method and the numerical solution for general conditions is established by using the method of numerical inversion of Laplace transform .

  24. 通过对局部冲刷坑形成机理的分析,建立了冲刷深度与影响因素的关系式,指出影响冲刷深度的主要因素是水力因素与河床的土质条件。

    The paper provided incidence formula of scour depth and influencing factor , and pointed out that the main factor about influencing scour depth was hydraulic elements and soil condition of riverbed .

  25. 利用有限元程序对影响基坑性状及工程经济效益的几个重要因素(诸如板桩的插入深度、板桩的刚度以及土质条件等)进行了探讨,得出了一些有实用意义的结论。

    Meanwhile , several influence factors , such as embedment depth and stiffness of the wall and soil conditions , were taken into consideration in the programme . Some valuable conclusions were obtained .

  26. 用波动有限元法对地下隧道工程的椭圆型孔洞进行了瞬态分析,并分析了不同土质条件下动应力集中问题;

    A tunnel engineering with ellipse cavities was analyzed in transient dynamic stress by wave finite element method , and the issue of dynamic stress concentration in different soil conditions was also analyzed .

  27. 该方案必须保证在该地区特殊的土质条件下的各路基工程质量达标、成本经济、施工方便、工期合理。

    These projects must ensure that the area under the special conditions of the soil subgrade meet the specifications of quality , as well as the demands of cost-effective , convenient construction , and a reasonable period .

  28. 详细讨论了一般土质条件下土钉墙的设计方法,结合实例,分析了各设计参数对土钉墙工作性能的影响,为土钉墙的设计与施工提供参考。

    It discusses design method for soil nail wall under common soil , and combined with specific example analyzes influencing of design parameter to working performance of soil nail wall , which can be referred for design and construction of soil nail wall .

  29. 指出盾构隧道施工成败的关键是正确地选定盾构工法,而决定盾构工法的关键是准确可靠的土质条件的调查。

    It shows that the key of the settlement of the shield tunneling construction lies in the correct selection of the shield method , in turn the key of the determination of the shield method lies in the correct survey of the soil condition .

  30. 在多项试桩资料的基础上,针对不同地基土质条件,提出用相对变形法确定邯郸地区粉喷桩单桩载荷试验承载力的方法,并建议了控制的相对变形值。

    On the basis of loading test results of engineering pile for different soil conditions , this paper has presented the method for determining the bearing capacity by means of relative deformation of single powder-spray pile . Finally , the proper relative deformation is suggested .