
  • 网络Settlement joint
  1. 建筑物沉降缝的结构处理

    Structure Disposal of Settlement Joint in the Buildings

  2. 工程实践证明,采用恰当的结构形式和基础形式,利用不同的方法,完全可以避免设置沉降缝。

    Engineering practice proved that we can avoid setting settlement joint if we adopt suitable form of structure and foundation , take a great diversity of methods .

  3. 批间C.浅析高层主楼与裙房间沉降缝设置

    Analysis of settlement slot setting between main building and annex building

  4. 带裙房高层建筑的沉降缝设置探讨

    The Discussion of Settlement Joints of High-rise Buildings Surrounded by Podiums

  5. 污水池沉降缝渗漏的检修处理

    A method for leakage-check of sedimentation - sew in sewage cistern

  6. 新开河大桥加宽工程新老桥面纵向沉降缝的构造处理方法

    Treatment of Settlement Joint of New and Old Bridge Deck

  7. 新旧建筑物间基础沉降缝处理一例

    An Example on Processing Base Sedimentation Seam between New and Old Buildings

  8. 多层建筑沉降缝对倾碰顶及纠偏实例

    Practical cases of leaning and rectification of multiple-story buildings with a settlement joint

  9. 不设沉降缝解决沉降不均匀问题的几种方法

    Several Methods of Solving the Problem of Uneven Settlement Without Setting Settlement Joint

  10. 箱式通道沉降缝的设置问题

    Establishing problem of settlement joint about box culvert

  11. 某底商住宅楼不设沉降缝的结构措施

    Structural Measures without Settlement Joint in Certain Residential Building with Commerce at the Bottom

  12. 某地下人防通道沉降缝渗水处理

    Seep solution of a underground air defense channel

  13. 伸缩沉降缝漏水是水工建筑物中一种常见的质量通病。

    The leakage of stretching-and-shrinking space is a frequent phenomenon in the hydraulic concrete buildings .

  14. 建筑物沉降缝宽度的确定方法

    Determination of Settlement Joint Width of Buildings

  15. 化学灌浆在沙坪水闸闸墩沉降缝处理中的应用

    Application on Disposing of Settlement Joint of Pier with Chemical Grouting in Shaping Water Gate

  16. 对大底盘多塔结构中设沉降缝、后浇带和不设沉降缝、后浇带的做法进行了分析。

    Whether settlement joint and post pouring belt are necessary or not for the big base and multi-tower structure is analyzed .

  17. 大直径扩底桩在主楼与裙房间不设沉降缝及后浇带的应用

    Application of non-settlement joints and post-pouring seam of bulb and pile with large diameter between the main superstructure and skirt buildings

  18. 草坪上长而宽的一片黄水仙.化学灌浆在沙坪水闸闸墩沉降缝处理中的应用

    A swathe of daffodils across the lawn Application on Disposing of Settlement Joint of Pier with Chemical Grouting in Shaping Water Gate

  19. 在对2种设计方案进行对比分析后,采纳了使纵向沉降缝接缝既保持平顺、坚固,又经济、施工方便的接缝构造处理方法。

    Through comparison , one of vertical settlement joint design is adopted , which are smooth , solid , economic and convenient .

  20. 大直径扩底墩设计及主楼与裙房间不设沉降缝的应用

    Design of Bulb and Pile with Large Diameter and Application Conditions of Non settlement Joints Between the Main Superstructure and the Skirt Buildings

  21. 混凝土结构中经常遇到超长的问题,本文就混凝土结构超长的温度缝和沉降缝是否均可设后浇带解决的问题,阐述了自己的观点。

    This paper states the viewpoint that the exceeding long temperature crack and settlement crack in concrete structure can be solved by later casting zone .

  22. 例如地基与土质的处理、上部结构避免形状突变、合理设置沉降缝、伸缩缝等。

    There are many crack control measures such as treatment of foundation and soil , avoidance of sudden shape change of upper structure and expansion joints .

  23. 本文主要论述了在高层建筑中不设沉降缝而对高层主体与裙房之间进行的设计与构造处理。

    This paper primarily discussed the design method of foundation of main floor and annex in the high layer building , and its structure does not establish to .

  24. 上海某小区两幢相同的、设有沉降缝的住宅出现了沉降缝两侧结构单元对倾碰顶现象。

    There are two buildings which are both separated into two units by settlement joint . It 's found that the two units were leaning opposite to each other .

  25. 通过算例对比,计算分析了三种不同约束条件下结构中的温度应力,得到在地铁车站设计中应合理设置伸缩缝和沉降缝的结论。

    By comparing the calculations under three different restraint conditions for thermal stress fields , it is concluded that expansion joints and settlement joints are to be set up .

  26. 根据相邻基础相互作用的分析理论,发展了被沉降缝分隔的两个建筑单元对倾、纠偏的计算方法。

    A method to calculate the opposite inclining and rectifying deflection between two building units separated by joint of settlement has been developed according to theory of analysis on interaction between the adjacent foundations .

  27. 当建筑物的体形复杂、高度差异较大时,按《建筑地基基础设计规范》的规定宜在适当部位设置沉降缝,将其划分为若干个刚度较好的单元。

    When the building has complicate form and greatly differential height , settlement joint is set in the proper position according to the " Building Foundation Design Code " and the building was divided into several units with better rigidity .