
  1. 土星落在处女宫屡屡给你带来麻烦。

    Saturn in Virgo brought difficulties on several fronts .

  2. 对于巨蟹,托管土星在第4宫可以是非常痛苦的。

    For Cancer , hosting Saturn in the fourth house can be very painful .

  3. 太阳和土星相会在交际宫,希望你能够做出更熟虑的选择。

    The Sun joins Saturn in your house of groups and teams , begging you to be a bit more selective .

  4. 一个单一的双子座的人谁没有任何人在他或她的一生中一直忙于土星在第五宫几年后的现在,坦率地说,你可能已经厌倦了。

    A single Gemini who does not have anyone in his or her life has been dealing with Saturn in the fifth house for several years now , and honestly , you may be tired of it .

  5. 土星在你关系宫的逆行,与太阳、水星、火星和木星都形成对冲位置,周末时对冲圈里还会加入爱之星金星。

    In retrograde motion in your relationship sector Saturn has moved into opposition with the Sun , Mercury , Mars and Jupiter and over the weekend he 'll add Venus , planet of love to that list .

  6. 例如,某人出生时在天宫图上土星位于地表第一宫、室女座,占星术士可能说此人在穿戴和生活习惯上有洁癖。

    For example , suppose that Saturn was located in the first house in the horoscope and in the sign of Virgo . An astrologer would probably conclude that the person was extremely neat both in manner of dress and habits .